Till Death Do Us Part-Demus, Fluff + Angst

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Fan art above is not mine. I can't draw for my life. I hope you enjoy and read at your own risk

Trigger warnings/mentions
Human AU

Damion, better known as Deceit to his friends, crept into the graveyard, clutching a bouquet of white lilies and red roses. It was dusk and Deceit left his 3 and 4 year old sons Virgil and Remy at home with a babysitter, Patton. He crept around, looking at the individual gravestones until he found the one he was searching for.
Remus Aiden Thomas
Loving Son, Husband, Father
Born June 4th 1982
Died August 31st 2019
He placed the flowers gently on the grave and placed his hand on the cold tombstone.

Two weeks ago, Remus was driving home from work at a publishing company when he was killed by a drunk driver less than three blocks from home. Deceit had been arranging a spaghetti dinner while his sons played in the living room. When he got the news, Deceit was shocked. It couldn't have been true. The man he been married to for 10 years, known since middle school, made him laugh even after a stressful day with the kids, shown simple but sweet signs of affection.

The second reality seeped in, Deceit grabbed the kids and drove to the hospital. By the time he arrived, it was too late. Remus was dead.

Damion tried to stay strong for his children sakes but he broke down when the doctors told him about the black roses and yellow daisies bouquet found in the front seat with a handwritten note. "For Damion-the snake who slithered into my heart."

"You promised you wouldn't leave," he desperately cried, the tears he had been hiding leaking out. "You PROMISED!" Deceit shouted, pounding on the gravestone. "Dam?" A voice called out. Deceit looked around to see a figure but with the incoming fog and the sun setting, it was hard to make out a new face. "Rem?" Deceit whispered. He didn't believe in ghosts or supernatural beings but he held onto the slight hope that he could speak with his husband, one last time.

The figure walked closer and Deceit's heart fell. It wasn't Remus, it was his twin brother Roman. Ghosts don't exist, he told himself. Unlike Remus, Roman enjoyed the bachelor lifestyle, partying on weekends, and spoiling the hell out of his nephews.

"You had the same idea?" Roman asked as he gently placed a bouquet of green carnations and baby's breath. Deceit grimly nodded. "I left the kids with Pat. I didn't want to explain where Daddy is again."

Luckily the kids were too young to understand the concept of death but it felt like a knife to his heart whenever Deceit had to lie about what happened to Remus. "Dada went on a little business trip. He'll be back very soon."

"How are you holding up?" Roman gently asked, sitting next to his brother-in-law. "How do you think?!?" Deceit snapped back. "I'm alone working a full-time job, trying to support and raise two hyperactive kids, trying to stay strong yet wanting to grieve at the same time, and honestly! I can't remember the last time I got some decent sleep! So yeah, I'm definitely holding up."

Roman just watched, stunned as he watched Damion break down, hugging himself and trying to stay together. "Half the time I want to kill myself so I'm not alone anymore but at the same time, I need to stay strong for the sake of Virgil and Remy. They can't afford to lose another dad," Deceit ranted. "I've been trying to find a healthy way to cope but I can't. I wanna move forward but I can't, knowing that the one person who would ever love me is GONE!" Tears ran freely down Deceit's cheeks and his loud sobs are the only thing that could be heard in the quiet graveyard.

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