Presence of Memories (Part Two)

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Part of the inspiration for the chapter The Stars are Brighter than Diamonds as well as this one.
Trigger warnings/mentions:
•What Nearly Headless Nick from Harry Potter is
•Repressing feelings
Human AU

It had been a tradition to go back to the observatory for the anniversary of the kiss and Logan had wanted to make it extra special because he had just found out they had been approve for an adoption- an infant girl named Marissa. Both of the husbands already had a child from surrogate and they wanted to have a second one so their own child won't be lonely anymore.

The two found the observatory was closed for renovations so they changed plans and decided to have a nighttime picnic in the backyard with their surrogate son, who their friend Valerie carried. Patton offered to drive them back home since Logan looked completely exhausted. While driving, Patton chatted endlessly about the parent-teacher conference he had earlier that day for their son and how he was thinking about opening a second store for his business, Patton's Patisserie, because business was booming.

Logan had tuned most of the conversation out by daydreaming of Patton's squeal when he reveal the news, his son's reaction since he had been begging his parents for a sibling, the room theme for the baby. He had been debating between butterfly and astrology when Logan looked up to see a family of deer in the middle of the road. "Patton! Deer!" Logan yelled. "Yes, my love.......Logie!" He barely avoided the family of animals and the car spun out of control, crashing into a tree. The last thing Logan remembered before slipping into unconsciousness was reaching out for his husband's barely warm, slightly pale hand.


Logan slowly opened his eyes, the bright lights hurting his head. "Lo? You awake?" A voice asked. He turned to see his friend Virgil comfortingly holding Logan's hand. "Yes," he hoarsely croaked. His head was throbbing, his throat felt incredibly dry and every body part felt like it was on fire. (figuratively) "Do you remember what happened?" Virgil asked, biting his lip nervously. "Crash," Logan barely managed to get out. Virgil sighed in relief before barking out an order to his husband, Roman. "Get Logan some water and go find Dr. Alistair." Roman who was sitting on the bed nodded and quickly left the room.

Logan looked around-his friends were all there. Thomas on the right and fluffing the pillows, Remus was sitting in a chair; eating a popsicle and Derek (Deceit) was looking out the window. He noticed one person was missing. "Pat........" Logan whispered. Virgil bit his lap again and turned away, fiddling with his hoodie strings. Based on Virgil's pained expression, Logan instantly knew something was wrong, something had happened.

A few seconds later, Roman came back into the room with a glass of water and followed by a gray haired doctor. "I have brought the calculator watch a drink," Roman said dramatically giving Logan a few sips of water then backing away to let the doctor speak. "Well, Mr. Creston- you have miraculously recovered from the car crash. Aside from a slight concussion and a broken arm that will heal in 6-8 weeks, you seem to be in perfect health," Doctor Alistair explained, looking over his charts.

What happened to my sunshine, Patton?" Logan asked, his voice a bit better after some water. The doctor looked confused before it clicked. "Ah yes, your husband. Unfortunately Mr. Creston did not survive the car crash. He died on immediate impact."

Logan froze with shock and horror. No, no, no, no,no, no, No, nO, NO! Please anyone but my Patton. Take me instead, just not my husband. He wanted to scream despite his hoarse voice. Sweet, calm, patient, loving, caring, warm, adorable Patton couldn't be dead. Who would wake up at 5 to make breakfast and prepare lunches? Who would comfort Logan when he was on the verge of a nervous breakdown? Who would come to Logan's class and bring a special treat for the birthday person? (Because Patton had an ability to know the birthdays and favorite goodie of Logan's students) Find a random reason to bake cookies, sing random songs on anything and everything? Patton didn't deserve to die, not in that way.

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