Movie Talk-Fluff, Several Ships

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Picture above is not mine. I believe it belongs to Parano-vigilant on Tumblr
There shouldn't be any trigger warnings but there will be some arguing and this is suppose to be a bit of a joke so take no of this seriously, please. Anyway hope you enjoy!
Ships Mentioned/In One Shot:
It was a Friday night which meant it was "Fam-ILY Movie Night" when they all get together in the Mindscape Common Room and watch a movie or two (or three if they were feeling dangerous). It was one of Patton's ideas that he had come up with as a way to get to know Virgil when he first appeared. Later it was a way of bonding with Deceit and Remus once Thomas began to accept them as parts of himself.

"Have you guys chosen a movie yet?" Patton asked, dressed in his favorite cat onesie from the kitchen where he was snack duty, making some popcorn for everyone. "We would if these guys," Remy said in a cozy brown bear onesie, sipping his Starbucks coffee. He didn't really enjoy these events but his boyfriend dragged him here. "Could make up their minds." The coffee-loving trait lazily pointed to Roman, Virgil, Remus and Picani. They were all going through a huge pile of DVDs.

"I for one think we should watch Beauty and the Beast. Tale as old as time," Roman sang regally, gesturing to his own Beast-themed onesie. "We always watch that when it's your turn, Princey. Let's watch something with more action, like Aladdin," Virgil pointed out, dressed in a Jack Skellington onesie." "Blah! You both are so vanilla. Let's spice things up with some rainbow sprinkles or some tequila! How about Beetlejuice?" Remus shifted through the pile of DVDs, picking out certain movies. "Or Mean Girls? Oh Heathers!" The intrusive thoughts chose a green dragon onesie.

Emile who was watching from the side piped in. He of course chose a Stitch onesie and was still wearing a tie, this time it being a light purple. "What about Winnie the Pooh? Or Lilo and Stitch? How about Mary Poppins?" "Whatever it is, just chose a Crofting movie," Logan called from the couch, reading in his famous unicorn onesie and waiting for movie night to officially start. Deceit was next to him, dressed in a yellow dragon onesie; matching his boyfriend and looking bored, inspecting his yellow gloved hand.

Roman sighed dramatically. "Honestly, I won't mind what you guys chose. As long as it's nothing Pixar. It's practically Disney's uglier, much more terrible step-sister." [Remember this is a JOKE! I respect both movie companies and have favorites from both. Please don't fight over this. This is just for plot.] There was a brief pause of silence Virgil dare to speak. "What did you say, Princey?" He said in a low, ominous voice.

"Disney is the better movie franchise. Their movies are about love, friendship and bravery." Roman and Virgil has gotten up from their couch/floor, standing in front of each other. "So are Pixar movies. In fact, Pixar is probably more popular than Disney," Virgil argued back. The others watched in a form of amusement. Roman-Virgil arguments were always a good source of entertainment but this particular disagreement seemed to spark something in them all.

"I'm with Virgil. Disney seemed too heavy on the emotions and Pixar seems to display deeper meanings," Deceit said, appearing next to the smug looking side. "Unfortunately, my lovely De-I've chosen to side with my darling brother. Disney has produced the more popular films- Lion King, Snow White, Frozen, Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast. Not to mention, they add A MUCH MORE SEX JOKES than Pixar." Remus popped next to Roman, who was giving Virgil a cocky grin. "Let's take a vote-those who believe Disney is better, stand next to Roman but those who believe Pixar is superior stand next to me."

Slowly, Patton and Emile appeared next to the royalty brothers while Remy and Logan chose the Pixar team. It was an even tie with both teams having four members. At this point, it didn't matter what movie they watched; now each team felt they had something to prove- that their favorite movie company was the most beloved. They needed an impartial third party to solve which was better-Pixar or Disney? There was one person who could help solve this debacle. "THOMAS!!!"
Thomas thought it would be a quiet night. He was ahead of his work schedule, had just pizza from his favorite pizza chain, and felt nice and cozy in his favorite Steven Universe-themed onesie. He was ready to just relax and binge watch something, along with stuffing his face with his favorite food. Just as he was about to chose to rewatch the first season of Steven Universe to get ready for the series finale, he felt a wicked headache coming on. "THOMAS!!!"

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