For You-Logicality, Plantonic Moxiety

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Trigger warnings/mentions:
•Eating disorders
Human AU

"Virgil Antony Sanders! Your alarm has been going off for five minutes and you're gonna be late for your first day of junior year!" Virgil opened his eyes to see his dad, Patton looking over him and holding some clothes. "Come on, kiddo! Get dressed and then come downstairs for breakfast," Patton have a smile but Virgil could see the stress in the smile and the dark heavy bags under his cheerful light blue eyes.

"Mmm,kay, Dad," Virgil replied sleepily as Patton placed the clothes at the edge of the bed and opened the spider-themed curtains (slightly flinching) to reveal a light purple sky then left the room. Virgil pushed back his sheets and looked around the small black bedroom.

Virgil and his father lived in a small two bedroom, one bathroom house not too far from the hospital where Patton took double shifts to support them, Virgil's mother abandoned the two when Virgil was a baby over 15 years ago. Patton never talk about her and the few times Virgil tried to ask, his dad would go cold and walk into another room.

Virgil got dressed in his favorite purple and black hoodie, the one he and Patton spent an entire weekend making, added some eyeshadow for that "emo aesthetic" and grabbed his backpack (which his Dad so graciously packed for him the night for) and headed downstairs to see Patton setting a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and chocolate chip pancakes with an apple and cup of orange juice. Patton then made himself some coffee, pouring it into a mug with the words "Have a Purr-fect Day!" styled with tiny kitties.

Virgil noticed how weary and tired his dad was, looking stressed and overworked, leaning on the counter and trying to stay awake. "Dad?" Patton spun around and quickly put on a fake smile for his son. "Hey kiddo! I didn't hear you come downstairs. A Patton breakfast special, for you! Have it before it gets cold!" Virgil could see there was only one plate.

"You're not gonna eat?" He asked, holding out the apple to his dad. "Not hungry," Patton quickly explained as Virgil heard the slightest sound of a stomach rumbling. He didn't know if it was his or Patton's.

"I'm go get ready for work. Finish your breakfast then go brush your teeth." The father left the kitchen, leaving his half-empty mug on the counter. Virgil quietly eat his food, left the plate and headed to the bathroom to finish preparing for the day. "Virgil!You ready?" Patton called as Virgil checked his stuff one more time and headed back downstairs.

Patton was already dressed in his baby blue scrubs with the light gray sweater Virgil had given him a few Christmases ago wrapped playfully around his shoulders and holding up two brown lunch bags. "My little stormcloud, all grown up! Patton smiled, handing his son his lunch and heading to the car. "Dad........"Virgil softly muttered but smiling a little. He loved his dad's love and attention but Patton could be a bit overbearing.

Once they had arrive at Eastenburg High, Patton started fretting over Virgil. "You have everything? Pens, pencils, lunch, books, apples for the teachers?" "Yes Dad," Virgil responded as he got out of the car.
"Don't forget you're walking home, I'm working a late night shift tonight. I left some money for pizza if I don't return in time for dinner. And remember....... I love you." Patton gave Virgil a goodbye kiss before driving away. The pale figure took a deep breath walking into the school.

*Time skip- Virgil got in a fight with a classmate and Patton was called by his teacher, Mr. Logan Thomas- the physics teacher.*

"I apologize for my son's behavior. He is never like this," Patton explained. He had to leave his shift early because he got a call about Virgil getting into a fight. Logan simply nodded although he kept getting distracting himself.

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