Will You Be Mine? -Logicality

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Found on Pinterest and the inspiration for this one shot-prompt

For my future partner, this is what I want: a loving relationship where we practically know everything about each other
Trigger warnings/ mentions:
•Repression of Sexuality
• Fears
Eating disorders
Human AU

Logan was ready. After a three and a half year relationship, he finally made the decision to propose to his boyfriend, Patton Foster. He chose the ring and found the perfect place to pop the proposal. It was starting to get dark when Logan led Patton to the proposal area. Both were on a hike along the Mount Woodrive trail and Logan headed to the lookout area, which had a great view of the city.

"This was a such a great hike Logie! I'm so glad you chose it!" Patton gushed and holding Logan's hand, noticing his boyfriend's nervousness. Do it now, do it now, DO IT NOW. Logan took a deep breath and looked directly into Patton's soft, dream-like blue eyes. "Patton, can I tell you something?" He asked, softly brushing some of his partner's blonde hair out of his face. "What is it, my love?" Patton replied gently, blushing at Logan's sweet, simple gesture.

"Patton, I have loved from the moment we met in Professor Williams' history lecture in college. I have learned so much in the little time in our three and a half relationship. Like how you were born on January 15th in Los Angeles, your middle name is Asher(which means happy in Hebrew), your Zodiac sign is Capricorn but you wish you were a Cancer. Your parents are Amanda and Steven Foster along with a sister named Valerie."

"You were seven years old when your maternal grandmother taught you to bake and heartbroken when she died of a heart attack three years later. You use to have a Cocker Spaniel naked Cookie and a husky named Marshmallow when you were a kid but now you have a Dalmatian puppy named Baby. You have always loved school because your bubbly personality would attracted a lot of friends and would bring treats on special occasions for classmates and teachers."

"You have the softest, kindest, warmest baby blue eyes I have ever seen, a slight scar on your right elbow and chin from when you fell out of a tree, tiny star shaped freckles scattered around your nose like a galaxy, a strawberry shaped birthmark behind your neck and a bump on your forehead from when you bumped your head after falling off the bed."

"Your favorite book is Wonder, favorite movie is Winnie the Pooh, favorite candy is yellow Starbursts, favorite food is extra pepperoni pizza, your favorite pair of shoes are the white Converses Roman customized with puppies and rainbows, favorite color is sky blue, and you love Seasons of Love from Rent. It's your favorite musical. You wake up at 5 am most mornings to watch the sunrise, make us coffee and breakfast or bake, sometimes to do all three.
You were outside doing homework in freshman year doing homework when your mom told you your childhood friend died from cancer and you sobbed for days."

"You picked up the razor because you didn't feel good enough, you were(and still are) going through an anoretic, and pretending to be straight to fit in but you put it down because of me. I made you feel loved and appreciated, made you eat because you were practically wasting away, and become a person that was proud to gay."

"You have mono phobia/auto phobia, eremophbia, and isolophobia- fear of being alone or abandoned, fear of loneliness, and fear of isolation or solitude. You dream of opening your bakery, starting a family and traveling the world, searching for amazing recipes. You fear spiders, the dark, and heights. When you were little, you were wished for a puppy unicorn and a candy castle. Your deepest worries are that you're too overbearing, too clingy, not good, skinny, smart, talented enough for me and that I would one day leave you."

"Your first heartbreak was in senior year of high school after a fellow cheerleader Candace dumped after you three months and you were terrified because you might be gay. You always talk about your dream wedding; it would be a woodland Disney themed. Your parents were upset when you first came out but they have openly accepted you since then."

"You're kind, sympathetic, laid-back, respectful, good-mannered, compassionate, hardworking, peaceful and trustworthy but you also tend to be naive, strict, sensitive, dishonest, clingy, childish, clumsy, forgetful and over emotional. You have the 'let's just chill and relax by doing nothing' laziness but you also have the 'I won't relax until everything is done' determination. You always have bubbly, hyperactive energy and are always between blissful joy and depressing sorrow emotional mood swings."

"You love Crofters and used the Wild Blueberry jelly in your Jel-licious Tarts, dreamed of becoming a famous singer since you were five, constantly quoting famous Broadway musicals especially Hamilton and Dear Evan Hansen, and you were have a secret fear of getting older."

"You have a bad habit of biting your nails, hugging random people, not eating and claiming 'you forget', forgetting to take stuff out of the oven because you were distracted and not cleaning up your messes. You have impeccable manners-napkin in lap, using the proper silverware, making sure everyone else is served first, chew with your mouth closed, tip the waiter a bit generously. You give me this stroppy  pout when I refuse to make a movie pillow fort in the living room. You will sob durning emotional movies/books, laugh at everything, and you get upset when someone talks negative about themselves and/or being cruel."

"You chew so quietly if you are scared of annoying someone, drink delicately as if you're worried you might slip it, you prefer to skip or bounce instead of walking, curl up into a ball when you sleep and cling protectively to a person, fidget with your cat hoodie or glasses when you're either nervous, excited or want to cuddle, give the most softest, passionate and adorable kisses. You have already picked out your future wedding flowers- white flowers, pink roses and blue bells. You have chosen dozens of names for your future children but Apollo, Carlos and August are your top 3 for boys and Bianca, Lydia and Katherine for girls."

"You want to change our yellow lemon walls and dark wood floor in the bathroom to white tiles with light blue for the walls so the room looks like the calming sea. For your wedding, you have chosen white dresses and suits with rainbow colored bows and sashes for the groomsmen and bridesmaids."

"At first I was annoyed when you would leave clothes everywhere because you were playing dress up but I've accepted it because you help clean the mess and it make you feel pretty. You take 20 minutes to order at Starbucks because you can never make up your mind, organized the DVD shelf alphabetically and always check our horoscopes. You order a Happy Meal with extra happiness and a McFlurry, you don't really drink tea but you add three sugars for extra sweetness, you order two scoops of birthday cake and one scoop of cotton candy at the ice cream parlor and will always cut sandwiches into perfect triangles. You get a bit upset when it's irregular."

"You know how a person is feeling without them telling, knows a person's needs from one look on someone's face and you cry without shedding tears. Patton, I know it all. Every single conversation, detail, memory. Everything from top to bottom, inside out. I've learned, shared, listened, watched."

"There are probably thousands of things I need to know but I'm going to learn and know every single thing is to know about you. I could learn your most embarrassing moments and traumatizing experiences but I still be there for you. Why? Because I love you." Patton's eyes shined with stars as he listened to Logan pour his heart out and watched in quiet awe that Logan took the time and energy to learn about Patton.

"Patton Asher Foster," Logan started, then got down on one knee. "My adorable angel, stunning sunlight sweetheart, will you make me the happiest man in the galaxy and marry me?" Logan pulled out a light blue velvet from his pocket and opened it, revealing a platinum sliver ring with the words Patton engraved with a pale blue heart shaped diamond the same shade as Patton's eyes. Logan didn't have to wait for an answer. Patton delightedly replied "Yes," and flew into his fiancé's arms, pulling into a long affectionate hug-kiss. Unknowing to Patton, Logan had set up a camera to record the proposal.

He later played the recording at their wedding nine months later. Their friends and family gasped and 'awww' at the sweet, adorable moment while Patton squealed with delight and never letting his now husband's hand go. For Logan, he was just glad that he found someone who loved him, flaws and all.

Never, never, never give up- Winston Churchill

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