A Little Prince - Roman Age Regression

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Trigger warnings for this fanfic:
• Age regression
• Stress mention
• Fear of the dark
• Roman a n g s t
• Background Logicality
Let me know if I miss anything. Also this fanfic is the one solely dedicated to Roman's birthday yet published on his brother's because I'm a dumb dumb and missed Remus' actual birthday by a day. But hey, earlier upload is better than procrastination!
I also wrote this to feed my age regression intensity. Enjoy this cringe fic!

Roman Creativity Sanders always thought as himself as a prince, ever since he and his twin brother Remus split into 'Good' Creativity and 'Bad' Creativity AKA Intrusive Thoughts. Yet later in life, he's been feeling more and more like a sidekick or even a villain.

Everything felt so different from the life he knew a few years ago, before his brother and Deceit or Janus came, before Virgil came into the picture. He knew this was a part of life; change was inevitable, but he secretly wished for a more simpler life like when he and Remus were children, running and having fun adventures in Imagination. Which is why he should have seen this coming.

Roman had been researching healthy ways to relive stress ( he would have gone to Logan or Picani for advice/therapy but he hadn't stepped a foot outside since the Janus name reveal even when Patton and Virgil came and tried to check up on him) He had come across a method called age regression when someone mentally retreats to an earlier age, exhibiting some more childish behaviors and is primarily used as a coping mechanism (although the Google search also lead to a more, intimate side but he ignored that)

Seems like a good idea, Roman thought as he read more into age regression. He started small- conjuring up a sippy cup full of apple juice while watching one of Thomas' favorite childhood TV shows. Before he knew it, he was in bed in a lion onesie, wrapped up in a fluffy baby blue blanket, cuddling a stuffed bear and sipping on a warm bottle of milk.

While falling asleep, Roman thought back to the regression research. He had read that age regressors had a caregiver, someone to care for the little while they're in little space but Roman didn't want anyone to know. What if they made fun of him? Or they wouldn't want to be his caregivers? Trying to make his little space stress-free as possible, the mentally young creative side snuggled into his stuffed animal and fell into a deep, peaceful slumber.

~The Next Morning

Patton was getting worried. It was almost 8 am and everyone was eating breakfast, except Patton. The fatherly figure looked over to the plate of crown-shaped pancakes made especially made for his creative kiddo. Everyone else had finish already except for him and Virgil, who was digging into the last remaining bits of his spider-shaped pancakes and looking through Tumblr.

"Hey kiddo! Do you think you could check up on RoRo for me, please? It's been days since he's came out of his room and I'm getting worried," Patton asked and Virgil looked up to see his dad's puppy dog eyes, full of worry and concern. "Sure, maybe he's still getting his beauty sleep," Virgil joker before heading upstairs to check up on Roman.

"Roman?" He knocked on the door, making it similar to Anna's knock from Frozen. "Roman?" Virgil called again, turning the door knob to find it surprisingly unlocked and ajar a little. He walks into the room to find a bunch of kid stuff like coloring books and a Lego castle all over the floor. "Roman?" The anxious side walked over to the bed, covered in a bundle of colorful blankets. "Roman?" Virgil repeated, sitting next to the pile. There was a small murmuring. "You can't sleep forever, Princey," Virgil tried to nudge the bundle but all he got was a "No." The voice sounded high pitch and whiny. "C'mon on, Romano," Virgil stated, trying to pull the sheets off. "Stop being such.... a child."

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