Storms of Love (Jamus Angst)

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Trigger warnings/mentions:
• Unsympathetic Light Sides (Virgil, Logan, Roman, Patton)
• Sympathetic Dark Sides (Remus, Janus)
• Memories of abuse/abusive relationships
• Fear of thunderstorms
• Mentions of abuse
• Me trying to write about PTSD
Note- this one shot was written in March so before Janus' name reveal
There was a thunderstorm outside and for Thomas and his Sides, it basically meant they were confined inside until the storm clouds go away. For their host, he just worked on videos or watch YouTube but for the Sides, they went their own separate ways. The 'Main' Sides on their side and the 'Dark' Sides in their own corner of Thomas' mind. "Oh D!" Remus said in a sing-song voice, taking off his slick black raincoat and holding up a bag.

While his brother's side of Imagination's weather was literally sunshine and rainbows, Remus' side usually matched the weather in the real world. Which means when Remus went to go get some Taco Bell for dinner from a chain he just conjured up in his realm, it had began to drizzle and when he got "home" AKA to his and Deceit's little area of the Mindscape, it was pouring. Remus was so excited- a thunderstorm to him meant an indoor movie marathon with his boyfriend and having popcorn-pillow fights over whether they would play Beetlejuice (Remus' idea) or Les Miserables (Deceit's choice)

"D?" The intrusive thoughts manifestation's voice sounded empty in the quiet house. There was a loud BOOM! of lighting and Remus' eyes widened with horror. His boyfriend was downright terrified of thunderstorms, mainly because Deceit had terrible memories revolved around storms. "D!" Remus yelled, tossing the Taco Bell bag aside. "D! DeeDee! Love!" Remus screamed and shouted, running around the whole 'house'. He finally tracked down his boyfriend rolled up and curled up into a ball.

Deceit looked wide-eyed and frantic, tears streaming across his face, muttering to himself. " I'm sorry...please...." he quietly whispered, rocking back and forth. "Hey. Hey. Hey. It's okay. I'm here now," Remus softly whispered, crouching in front his boyfriend. "You're safe. It's gonna be fine. Those goody two-shoes bastards, especially that dorkious dick and shitty suck-up, will never hurt you again." Deceit just buried his face in his boyfriend's chest.

"Sorry.....I.....I.....I...." "It's gonna be okay, love. Just look up into my eyes okay? You're not alone," Remus said in a soothe, calming voice, softly stroking Deceit's hair, trying to coax him to look up. The manifestation of lying finally looked up and Remus was about Remus was about to get the two of them to get up when a loud crack of thunder and lightning shook the 'house.' Deceit gave a pure, high-pitched terrified scream and practically threw himself around Remus' neck. Deceit was crying, wailing, hot tears streaming across both his human and snake side of his face. "I'm sorry....please....I can't help it....I'll be better, I, please...."

Long ago when Thomas was just a child and neither the Light nor Dark Sides existed, Deceit had been apart of Logan and Patton's, the two oldest Sides, group. Both had (and still are) both obsessed with perfection and appearances so when Deceit had started to grow scales and started to lie more, the two started to started getting more abusive in physical, mental and emotional ways that eventually lead to Deceit running away.

A few years later when Creativity Romulus split into good creativity Roman and intrusive thoughts Remus, Patton and Logan treated the younger twin with the same treatment they gave Deceit. Not too long after the split, Remus was abandoned and taken in by a very sympathetic Deceit, who was in the twin's place once. Durning Thomas' teenager years, a new Side devolved known as Paranoia or Anxiety.

Patton was thrilled to have another kiddo for his perfect family but when he couldn't control this newly formed child side, he dumped the boy in Deceit and Remus' darker corner of the Mindscape. The small 'Dark Sides' family was fine as Thomas grew from a teenager to an adult until Logan and Patton were finally able to get Virgil to abandon the family that practically raised him and came to the more 'perfect' family, leaving his 'father' heartbroken and his 'brother' betrayed once again.

Since that time a few years ago, Deceit continues to get nightmares from his abusive childhood, the anxious side's abandonment, and that one day Remus would leave as well and leave him all alone in the darkness as well as the hands of the other crueler, nastier, twisted 'Darker' Sides that Deceit managed to hide from Thomas and the other current Sides. Luckily Remus had seen and gone through his fair share of what he called 'Operation Perfection.'

The manifestation of intrusive thoughts was always there to comfort his boyfriend, holding him tight and reminding Deceit that he would never leave. Remus carries the hysterically crying, broken Deceit downstairs, gently placing his boyfriend on the overstuffed couch and then moves him into his lap after finding the Taco Bell mag he tossed aside earlier. "Babe, I got you some Taco Bell. I know it's your favorite," Remus said, holding up Deceit's order.

Deceit didn't answer; he just continued to sniffle and just play around with Remus' sash. The dark creativity frowned; his boyfriend was going into a hole and he needed to be saved before Deceit started having more traumatic nightmares. Heroics and damsel-in-distressing saving was more of his brother's thing but now Remus has the chance to be a knight in a shiny, glittery black tunic. "Babe, you need to eat. I promise, it's safe. You're safe, all right?" Remus' tone was soft but stern, urging his boyfriend to eat yet showing a tenderness he only showed his love.

After a few more attempts, he finally managed to get Deceit to eat. It was only half a taco but it was a start, considering Deceit usually just starves durning his terror spiral. Afterwords, Remus put on some YouTube videos on dark Disney theories while just cuddling and quietly singing up to comfort Deceit until he had calm down, falling asleep curled up in Remus' lap. The intrusive thought manifestation give his boyfriend a kiss, softly petting his hair before drifting off himself into a quiet, peaceful sleep.

And there you go! Thought we need to spice things up with a angst fanfic. I hope I didn't trigger any memories and I didn't miss any warnings. Hope you enjoy. Any and all comments, even criticism is appreciated. Love YTReader19 📚📗📚📔📖📚📗🤍❤️💖

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