Desserts Sweet As You (Logan x Patton)

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The Pin above was the inspiration for this one shot. No triggers from what I know, just fluffy domestic cuteness.

Patton Berry has just returned home from a long, tiring work day at his bakery. He just wanted to plan a outdoor stargazing picnic for his husband, Logan who seemed to be focusing on work than his sweet, caring partner. As Patton walked passed the kitchen, he noticed Logan was already home, flipping through a book. 'He doesn't notice me,' the right brain husband thought. 'Maybe we can have a cookie and cuddle movie marathon instead. Logie bear usually loves that.'

Before he could even walk up the stairs, Patton thought something. 'Logie never really likes using the kitchen. I usually make the meals in the household,' so he backtracked back into the kitchen to see what his husband was actually doing. Logan was reading from a old-fashioned cookbook, several bowls and other ingredients scattered around the counters, cabinets opened. He seem to be struggling and grumbling under his breath, flipping back and forth between pages. Patton crept up behind his husband.

"What'ca making, Logie?" Patton asked with a light smile on his chubby, childlike face. His love was just so cute when he was frustrated. The sudden call of his beloved's voice causes Logan to jump unexpectedly and making him almost drop his whisk. He turned around and Patton could see him wearing a blue star patter apron that had the words "My Cooking Skills Are Out Of This World," which made Patton slightly giggle. "Oh....Patton, my dear! Y-Y-You're early. I wasn't expecting you for another hour or so," Logan stammered, fiddling with his apron's strings. "I decided to close up early so I could do something special for you," Patton replied. "You never answered my question: What are you doing, sweetie?"

"W-Well, you see I WAS going to make this as a little surprise treat for you working so hard over the past few weeks but...." Logan moves to the side for Patton to see what he was doing. Patton look over to see his family cookbook open to the recipe of his favorite dessert- double chocolate chip cookie fudge brownies. "Really, Logie bear?? You're making the choco-fudge brownies? I love them, they're my favorite." Logan gave a light chuckle. "Well, it's a dessert reward. I've noticed you've been working such long hours recently and I-I thought I could just surprise you with a little something sweet for all your hard work," he replied, taking one of the mixing bowls and adding some vanilla extract into it.

"Oh, Logan," Patton said before he rushed up to Logan, who was putting the mixing bowl aside and tightly hugged his husband. "Thank you so much, Logie! I love you." Logan gave Patton a soft smile and returned the hug. "I love you too, love," he murmured, gently stroking his husband's hair. After that sweet, fluffy Logicality moment, Logan went back to adding ingredients into the mixing bowl.

"Can I help, Logie bear?" Patton asked, watching his husband mix things together. "Pat, the brownies are for you. You don't have to help. You can go relax or something like that." "But I wanna help, honey. Besides you don't know the second ingredient," Patton whined, giving his husband his best puppy-dog face. After a few more seconds of thinking, Logan reluctantly agreed. "Fine, you can help. This time YOU can be MY little baking assistant," Logan said as Patton put on his own puppies and kitties themed apron with the words "I'm A Animal In The Kitchen."

Durning the whole baking and mixing process, Logan was secretly joyous that he could spend a bit of quality time with his sweet sweetheart and when they were cleaning up the kitchen while the actual cookie-brownies were baking in the oven, Patton started a mini flour war that ended with both looking like flour powdered ghosts with glasses. Soon the desserts were finished and the couple headed into the living room for a chocolate goodie and cuddle movie session.

"I'm not the biggest fan of chocolate related items but these are pretty exquisite, my love," Logan commented as the two went over their flick options. "See! I knew helping would make the brownies better!" Patton giggled and nibbling one of the choco-fudge brownies. "Besides I think they're even better than usual!" "They do taste more....chocolatey?" Logan guessed, slowly biting into the gooey treat. "No. It's sweeter than usual because you helped. And the combined love was the secret ingredient." Patton giggled again, snuggling up to his husband and Logan turned a faint red.

"Falsehood....," he mumbled, trying to pay attention to the movie's open credits and Patton laughed. "You're so cute when you're blushing, Logie." "And you're just overall cute," Logan replied, peppering Patton with tiny kisses everywhere. They ended the night watching Just Like Heaven and a half eaten tray of double chocolate chip cookie fudge brownies.

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