Upgraded-Part Two, Roman Angst

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Art above is not mine^ Found on Pinterest
Trigger warnings: Cuts
Starving one self/eating disorder
5.31.20 I decided to post a day earlier to celebrate our favorite gay Prince Charming, Roman! And what better way to celebrate than to post some good ol' ANGST!!!
I was short on time and decided to update a more proper (and more fluffier) one shot later
Also note: That this one shot wasn't supposed to come out until the following week but this was the only Roman centered one shot I had planned for the weeks

Roman didn't know when when he fell back into sleep but all he knew was that it was a nightmare, more like a flashback of some sort. He was brought back to when they were all talking about "Just like Heaven" when Roman got bashed in the head by Remus' morning star.

When Roman woke up with a splintering headache, he saw all of them with Remus talking in Roman's usual spot by the TV. Instead of being ignored or shut or told his ideas were 'unrealistic', Remus' ideas were being listened to, even being given feedback on how it could be achieved. Roman felt as if a huge burden had been placed on his shoulders. Then the scene shifted.

It showed Roman's corner abandoned, unneeded, forgotten. Creativity was no longer needed as Logic had finally convinced Thomas to quit YouTube and land a 'real job'. Roman saw himself wither away into nothingness and no one seems to care not even Remus, his own brother cared. The prince woke up in a sweat.

The sun now showed it was mid-afternoon and Roman, sticky and hot, was wrapped up in his Mickey Mouse blanket, clutching his Alexander Hamil-bear. "The poor prince awoke from his nightmare, frighten at what the future could hold," a voice into Roman's ear. It was cold and distrusting like Deceit's expect this voice had hatred, fear laced in his. "Who's there?" Roman called out, clutching his sword. He hoped whoever this voice was that they go away. Roman didn't have the strength or courage to face them. Besides it was very warm and cozy in the king/prince sized bed with all the blankets.

"The once prince had feared he would be forgotten as he has yet to contribute something useful," the voice ignored Roman's question, tone laced with mockery and false sympathy. "Not true," Roman roared, leaping out of the bed with his sword drawn. He noticed the lightbulbs on the vanity started flick on and off, so Roman went over to investigate. He placed his palm on the mirror and it started to glow a dark mysterious green.

"The pathetic prince wanted to be the King- beloved and adored by all, hero to everyone. Isn't that your deepest darkest desire, Roman?" Truthfully if all the Sides were royalty, then Thomas would be the king since he is the host. Or even Patton because Morality was the eldest Side and mainly in charge but Roman secretly aspired to be king and not some lowly prince.

"Yes," he whispered to his reflection, silent tears falling. Roman instantly took his palm off the mirror. No, he couldn't allow himself to think like that. He shouldn't think so selfishly. "I can make your dream a reality," the voice replied as the mirror released a eerie, black-green fog that wrapped around Roman's feet. "I don't want it to come true," Roman lied as a figure from the fog emerged.

The man looked a lot like Thomas like all of them except his hair tips were a dark green, a wiry beard and there was a malicious gleam in his coal black eyes. He was dressed in a black buttoned down shirt, dark green bow tie with matching sash, a dark green jacket, and sliver epaulets. [Author's note: I did my best to explain the character. My other best description is that he is a mix of Logan and Roman/Remus]

"Oh Roman, you may lie and shove them deep down deep down but personally, I know you would do anything to be heard, to be seen, to be adored," the green colored figure replied as he scrutinized Roman from top to bottom. "W-Who are you?" Roman asked fearfully. The figure had an aura of power, fear and respect- everything Roman wanted to be. "Why, I'm Gabriel 'Greed' Sanders, leader of the Dark Sides. Pleasure to meet you, King Roman." The figure bowed respectfully, giving Roman a charming smile.

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