Ambulance (Plantonic Moxiety & Royality, Logicality)

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No trigger warnings; just a bit cuts from kitchen accidents. Just some shenanigans in the Mindscape, I think. Hope you enjoy!

It was a lazy day in the Mindscape. Thomas didn't have anything planned or important to do so he just spent the rainy Sunday binging Steven Universe and old YouTuber videos, eating snacks. Since their host didn't have anything for them to do and was for once ahead of schedule, the Sides decide to follow in Thomas' footsteps and claim the day as a relaxation day.

Roman went on a nice stroll in Imagination, Logan went to his room to re-read Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban and Virgil decide to try some new recipes he found online. For him, the anxious side found cooking as a way to relive stress and help his relationship by working with Patton on making meals. While making some dumplings and stir fry and listening to the Beetlejuice soundtrack (Logan and Roman weren't the only fanboys in the Sander Sides household and he had been addicted since the twins introduced himself to it), singing along to "Say My Name", Virgil accidentally cut his finger while chopping up vegetables.

"Fuck!" He jumped back in surprise, blood winding up on the floor and his clothing. He looked around in a panic for a first aid kit or a bandage. He was checking a cupboard when he heard someone enter the kitchen, more like running than casually walking in. "Wheeee ooooo wheeee ooooo." The anxious side looked up in confusion to see Patton dressed in a cute, kawaii nurse outfit and a blinking light on his head, holding a first aid kit and some white gauze bandages.

"What the...Pat, what are you doing?" Virgil asked in confusion. The moral character didn't answer but continued to make ambulance noises until he was right in front of his kiddo. He stops and pulls out some of his gauze bandages, careful wraps up the bleeding finger, and gives the boo-boo a kiss before running away and going "Wheeeee ooooo wheeeee ooooo!" Virgil just looked at his father-friend figure and thinking what on Earth just happened.

A few minutes later while waiting for his dumplings to finish cooking so he could watch some conspiracy theories videos, Roman came in looking bruised and covered in scratches. "What the hell happened to you, Ro? You said you're going on a walk. Why the hell do you look like you were fighting the Dragon Witch?" The usually anxious side panicking over his boyfriend's state. "I was on a nice, relaxing stroll when I was ambushed by some creatures. Luckily I care out with just a few scratches," the prince answered, looming in cupboards for some Crofters as a mid-afternoon snack.

"A few scratches,huh?" Virgil wondered, pointing to a bit bloody gash on Roman's left arm. "Then, pray tell, my dear Disney prince- what is that?" "Like I said before, just a little scratch." Roman covered the gash with the sleeve and turned to his jelly-jam. (What exactly is Crofters? Is a jelly or jam? I'm confused because Crofters: Jelly Belly and Crofters Jams from the Christmas video)

At that moment, Patton came running back into the kitchen with his nurse cosplay and bandages, still making ambulance noises. "Oh hey Padre," he said. The moral side ignored him. Patton pushes up the sleeve hiding the bleeding wound, rubbed some alcohol and wrapping it up nicely with a bow before giving it a kiss and speeding off, making "wheeee ooooo" noises. "What...was that?" Roman asked, looking down at his arm and then at his boyfriend, who was getting dumplings ready for eating. "Got no clue, Princey. He was like that when I cut my finger earlier," Virgil explained, showing his bandaged finger as he brought his food to the living room so he could finally binge his Shane Dawson videos.

"Oooo! I love this one," the fantasy side said, snuggling up to his dark and stormy love while stealing one of his dumplings. "You're paying for that, Princey," Virgil said and Roman gave a light scoff. "I'm paying in kisses and affection," kissing the emo's cheek. Virgil just rolled his eyes before giving Roman a kiss.

Logan looked up from his book and blinked in surprise. His floor-length window showed the sun setting and his alarm clock on his nightstand read 6:15 pm but there was no way he spent over six hours in his room reading Harry Potter. Knock! Knock! Knock! "Come in," Logan said, scrambling to open his laptop to make like he was working.

"Wheeee ooooo wheeeee ooooo," Patton cane into the room. "Greetings Morality," the logical side managed to say before he got dragged by Patton away from his room. "Patton.... where are we going?" Logan asked as he was pulled into the right brain's room and shoved onto the stuffed animal-covered bed. He spent the next few minutes watching Patton run back and forth, continuing to make weird ambulance noises, grabbing a blanket, Crofters and the TV remote along with a piece of paper.

"What is this, Patton?" Logan asked as Patton handed over the piece of paper. "You have been diagnosed with Lonelit-isis: a disease that causes the host to be very lonely and distant from his fiends. Prescription: spend more time with people who love and care about you." The logical trait gave his boyfriend a look.

"Is this an excuse for me to spend time with you?" Logan questioned as the moral side put on Inside Out. Patton nodded, handing a jar of Loganberry Crofters Jan and cozying up to his brainiac boyfriend. "Thanks for caring about me, love," Logan said, kissing the top of Patton's head and settling next to him, eating a spoonful of his favorite jelly. "Anytime my love, starlight," Patton muttered.

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