The Abandoned Friend

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(AKA The Chapter Where Remus Snaps)
[Part One of what could be Remus' redemption arc in my one shots book]
Based off Steven Universe's 'Other Friends' song and the version by Caleb Hyles and Annapantsu on YouTube. The video is from the original, for most of the dialogue.

Trigger warnings:
• Remus snaps and pulls a Spinel
• Mentions of abandonment
• Somewhat death/dying
• Angst in general
• Swearing/cussing
• Fighting
• Someone got drugged
• Cutting through bodies
• Use of male private parts
• Tentacles + tentacle touching
And some background Logicality and Prinxiety
(Also the tentacle part was added to try and tame the horny thoughts I had after reading way too much smut fanfics at 3 in the morning)

Those little, vile, whore-sum, Remus thought. Deceit, his one and only friend in the entire Mindscape after Virgil and his own flesh and blood (or as fleshy and bloody a figment of Imagination) abandoned him, had now followed suit and left him for the cheery, golden, perfection utopia of the Light Side Mindscape.

"Those stupid, slow-witted, plastic, selfish SONS OF BITCHES!" Remus cursed loudly, looking around the empty living room. It had only had been a week and a half since Janus had his redemption and his room has been moved, but to Remus, it had felt like years since his only family member left. And basically he tore up the living room in Janus' absence.

How dare they take Jan from him? He was all I had, the intrusive thought manifestation thought, close to full-on tears. They took RoRo when I was a child, they took VeeVee and now they took JanJan. Who are they going to take next? Unable to control the pent up rage from the past few days, Remus threw his morning star at the wall. He pretended it was the faces of those stupid, goody two-shoes Light Sides before collapsing onto the floor and bursting into sobs.

Why can't I have something that's just mine? Maybe it was the stress of losing the one person who actually gave a shit about him or he had been spending too much time alone in the corrupted side of the Imagination, but something inside of Remus just snapped.

His glittery green and black tunic turned a vibrant hot magenta and black, his purple eyeshadow became a deeper, darker shade of black and his messy hair turned an insane mop of a murky gray and inky black. "They take MY JanJan away from ME....." Remus muttered aloud, getting back on his feet and grabbing his morning star, which instantly turned into a spike covered scythe, glowing a dark, eerie black. "Then I'LL just take my JanJan away from THEM......."

It had only been a week and a half since his redemption but Janus still felt uncomfortable in this part of the Mindscape. He already missed Remus and his dirty sex jokes, the bootleg musicals or horror movie nights, the walks they would take whenever Remus was going through a creative block or Janus wanted some peace and quiet.

This area felt too clean and opulent to him, considering his old home was in a constant state of neglect and abandonment, but he was use to it. Janus hadn't even had a chance to check up on Remus since he has been busy adjusting to his new room and getting use to his new allied neighbors.

It was after breakfast one day that the Self-Care Side was able to visit his friend. He threw a cape over his simple black tee and pants outfit and had a stick of deodorant as a peace offering, heading back to his old home but was stopped by someone.

"Where are you going, Janus?" Logan questioned, barely looking up from his book. "I'm definitely not going to the Darkscape," he explained. "Why are you going there, kiddo?" Patton asked, popping up next to Janus. "I want to check up on Remus," Janus said and Roman frowned from his place on the couch. "Why are you checking up on my brother? He can care for himself." It took all of his willpower to not roll his eyes. He just wanted to check up on his friend.

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