Warm Me Up Inside (Fluffy Logicality)

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No trigger warnings, just some very sweet fluffy domestic Logicality! Okay maybe a little Patton beating himself up and Logan being a bit manipulative but other than that, it's very fluffy!

Logan entered the house. He had just entered from the store for some gingerbread cookie ingredients for his husband and on the way back, it started to snow so he was absolutely freezing by the time he stepped into the hallway.

"Dear, I'm home!" Logan yelled as his husband, Patton and their fur baby puppy, Cloud came into the room. Patton having a smile so bright Logan could feel warm just looking at him. "Finally! I saw it was starting to snow outside and was getting a little worried," Patton replied, giving his husband a sweet kiss on the cheek and taking bags from him, heading into the kitchen.

"I'm fine, my lovely sunshine. Just a little cold!" Logan said, putting away milk, eggs and butter before scooping up the little husky and started scratching its ears. "You're cold?!" Patton, who was preparing the gingerbread cookies turned to his husband and placed his hand on Logan's forehead in concern. "I knew I shouldn't have let you go outside without warmer clothing. Stupid airhead Patton." Patton muttered under his breath so his husband couldn't hear but Logan could still hear.

Logan took his love's hand and gently placed a kiss on the palm. "You're not an airhead,okay? It's not your fault." Logan lightly kissed his much shorter husband on the forehead, which made Patton erupt into giggles. "Logie.... I love you." "I love you too, Patty Cake."

Afterward, Patton made Logan sit on the couch near the living room fireplace to warm up while Patton round everything up to make his husband feel more warmer. Once he left the room, Logan gave himself a small smirk. He wasn't actually cold: he started warming up the second Patton placed his palm on his forehead. It was just part of his plan to get some quality cuddle time with his husband. Yes, one could argue Logan could just ask but.... he just wanted his inner Scorpio to come out. He cuddled with Cloud and waited for his husband to come back

A little while later, Patton came back into the living room with a bundle of soft, cozy blankets and stuffed animals, two mugs of steaming hot chocolate, warm chocolate chip cookies and several Christmas movie DVDs since the holidays were right around the corners. Patton made sure his husband was all warm and cozy before putting on the Polar Express, Logan's favorite Christmas movie, mainly because he loved the book as a child.

"Are you warm enough yet, Logie bear?" Patton asked, cuddling up to his husband and hugging Cloud to his chest. Logan gave a immediate response of "No", sipping his hot chocolate and holding his husband close. After a few more tried and getting "No" as an answer, Patton just gave up on trying to warm Logan up and started to give into the warm, cozy atmosphere, drifting off and laying his head in his husband's lap. Halfway through Elf (Patton's favorite Christmas movie, both fell asleep curled and cuddled up with each other, Cloud asleep between his two human daddies.

This was just a short one shot to be filler chapter so I wouldn't burn myself out writing longer, possibly more angsty one shots. I hope you enjoy!

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