Chapter 2

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Jungkook was standing at his co-curriculum booth which is soccer as he is the captain of the school soccer team, so he needs to be there to take charge of everyone. He also has to demonstrate how their soccer team usually play during competitions and explains every detail of what they do during their soccer practice. Jungkook felt someone was staring at him, he turns to look and he saw it was none other than Jimin, the Year 1 boy. Despite him knowing that he could not leave the booth, he still did and march to the area where Jimin was standing with his friends. However, Jimin saw that he is coming towards him so, Jimin quickly walked away. Indeed, Jimin must have forgotten that he is trying to run away from a soccer player who could eventually catch up with his pace even how fast he try to run or how far he tries to go. Jimin was shocked but also amused when Jungkook stopped in front of him abruptly while trying to catch his breath.

Jimin's mind:

Unquestionably, why he is the most popular student in school as even when he is sweating he still looks good.

Jimin got back to reality when Jungkook hit him.

JK: Answer me. Why were you staring at me just now?

JM: What? No, I was not.

JK: I saw you were looking at my direction so do not lie and tell me why were you staring at me.

JM: In fact, I think you were the one who is looking at me.

JK: What do you mean and do not turn the table.

JM: I am not turning the table since you were the one who says that, you saw I was looking at you, but how exactly you know, if you were not looking at me, right?

JK: You are getting to my nerve day by day.


JK: Ugh do not let me see your face again!

Jungkook decided to walk away because he was pissed by what Jimin has been saying throughout the whole conversation. Jimin was upset because he was trying to fool around and not expecting what he did would make Jungkook became so furious. After what happened, Jimin went to find for his friends that he left when he was trying to run from Jungkook. He saw his friends were sitting on a bench while eating and he walk to them. When Jimin sat down on the bench, Jin and V exchange eye contact because they knew that there is something that makes Jimin upset when he is extremely quiet with how he usually is when he is with them.

J: Jimin, are you alright?

JM: Yes.

J: Are you sure?

V: You know you can share with us if you have problems right, we are always here to hear you out.

JM: Thanks guys, but it was just the Year 2 senior.

V: What about them?

J: Who is it? Did they bully you! You have to tell me if they do!

JM: It is him.

Jimin looked at Jungkook, who is at his booth interacting with his soccer mates. Both Jin and V were extremely shocked when they knew that it was Jungkook. Instead, now they asked what he did to make Jungkook irritated, as they pretty much know that Jungkook would not talk to him if he did not disturb Jungkook first, as from what he last said he does not want to do anything related to Jimin anymore. Jimin regret when he remembered what happened that day as if it was repeated today. Before the day ends, there is a performance by the seniors including Jhope and his dance mates who were dancing passionately while at the side has Suga and RM who were beatboxing and rapping. It lits up Jimin's mood as Jimin, Jin and V did not expect it to be of high quality and they were absorbed into the performance.

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