Chapter 27

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Jimin was so tired after the unexpected event yesterday. He wakes up he did some stretching then slowly he walks into the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. After cleaning himself up, he went downstairs, and he saw his mum sitting on the couch in the living room. He walks behind her, giving her a back hug and greet her.

JM: Good morning my beautiful mum

M: Good morning to you to my handsome baby

His mum hugs him back and give him a morning kiss. Jimin then gives her a morning kiss as well.

M: Finally you are awake I thought you were dead

JM: Sorry mum I am too tired

M: It is ok baby

His mum gives him the face of reassurance then he feels better.

JM: I am hungry, mum

M: Lucky you, I have already cooked

JM: I know my mum is the best

His mum kisses him after what he said.

M: Let's go eat

JM: Mum you wait for me

M: Of course I would not want to eat alone or leave you to eat alone

JM: Aw thank you for waiting, mum

His mum smiles at him and pulls him into the kitchen. He went to see if his mum needs help in setting the food.

JM: Mum do you need help

M: No baby I can manage

JM: Ok if you need help call me

M: I know baby go and sit

Jimin went to sit and see his mum sets the food on the table. After setting everything down, they go on and have their breakfast. He and his mum finish eating, so Jimin went to clear the table and wash the utensils. After he has clear everything, he walks into the living room and sits next to his mum on the couch in the living room.

JM: Mum

M: Yes baby

JM: Can I ask you a question

M: Of course you can ask me anytime baby

Jimin smiles at his mum.

M: So what is up baby

JM: Um so you know I met with Jungkook's parents yesterday

M: Yes and

JM: They want to meet you

M: Really

JM: Yes mum

M: Oh I am so glad they want to meet me

JM: Me too mum

M: Did they tell you when

JM: It is up to you

M: Oh then we can do it tomorrow

JM: Really

His mum nods her head happily.

M: Make sure to inform them

JM: I will

He and his mum enjoy their quality time before he decides to go up to give Jungkook a call.

JM: Mum

His mum looks at him.

JM: I will be going up to make a call

M: Sure

JM: I will be quick, mum

M: No it is ok to take your time

JM: Mum

His mum laughs, knowing that her son knew what she was trying to indicate as well. Then Jimin went upstairs.

-Calling Jungkook-

Jimin has to wait for quite a while until Jungkook finally picks up his call.

JM: Finally!

JK: Sorry I was too tired I guess

JM: It is alright I understand

JK: Thanks for always being understanding

JM: Anyway good afternoon Mr Sleepy Head

JK: Good afternoon to you too Mr Cutie

Jungkook heard Jimin giggling on the other side of the line.

JK: Love your laughter

JM: Thanks

JK: So what is up with the call

JM: My mum agrees to meet your parents

JK: Really

JM: Yes

JK: That is good news baby despite me thinking you want to say you miss me

JM: I miss you, Mr Sleepy Head

JK: I miss you too baby

Jimin chuckles on the other side of the line.

JK: So when will it be

JM: Tomorrow

JK: What time

JM: 2 pm

JK: Alright

JM: See you tomorrow, Mr Sleepy Head

JK: I am excited to meet you baby

JM: Me too, bye

JK: Bye

-Call ended-

The rest of the day spend with his mum.

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