Chapter 26

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After her sharing, she decides to probes Jimin with more question.

M: How are school?

JM: Good

M: He did not bully you right

Jungkook's mother says 'he' directing to Jungkook.

JM: Um

Jimin does not know what to say because he knows the truth is yes.

M: Why did he bully you

Jimin still did not answer to her.

M: You have to tell me if he did and he will get it from me do not be scared of him

JM: NO no

Jungkook's mother did not say anything because she saw Jimin hesitating to say something else, so she waited for another few seconds then Jimin also decides to open his mouth and speak up.

JM: He used to

M: What do you mean used to

Jimin tells Jungkook's mother the entire story from the starts to the end without missing a single detail out. After Jungkook's mother heard the whole thing, she decides to express her thoughts and feelings to him.

M: I did not expect him to be like that

Jimin did not say anything but continue to comfort her.

M: His father and myself have not taught him to be like that

Jimin continues to stay silent and listens to her.

M: All this while I thought he was a good kid, also mostly because his friends did not say anything to me, so I did not know I am so sorry

JM: Forget it, mother, that is in the past, now he is the sweetest human being on earth

M: I am still sorry behalf of him, glad he has changed now, and it is definitely because of you

Jimin shakes his head in disagreement.

M: What do you mean

JM: It is because of both his and my effort

Jungkook's mother could not stop smiling because of Jimin's words.

M: Thank you for taking care of him

JM: Not a problem at all mother

M: Also thank you for still accepting and loving him despite what he has done to you

JM: Do not worry mother I will continue to love him even if he hates me

M: Thank you so much dear

Jungkook's mother embraces Jimin into a hug. After talking with Jungkook's parents and spending time with them, it is finally time for him to go home.

JM: Thank you for having me, mother father.

D: Any time son

M: Yes, our doors are forever open for you

Jungkook's father nods his head in agreement and Jimin smiles.

JM: Thank you and it is nice meeting you, mother father.

D: It is our pleasure too, son.

M: I think you should get going now if not later your mum will be worried

Jimin nods his head.

M: Son drive him home and make sure to drop him in front of his house

His mother especially emphasises on 'in front'.

JK: I will mother

JM: Thank you once again for everything, goodbye and see you again, mother father.

Then Jimin waves at them and they wave back their goodbye to him.

-Outside Jimin's house-

JK: Thank you for today baby

JM: Thank you to you too

JK: My parents love you so much so come by more often ok

JM: Um

Jimin knows what Jungkook mean by it.

JK: Goodnight, my beautiful boyfriend

Jimin cheeks turned crimson red, and he started giggling because he finds Jungkook so cute.

JK: You are cute when you are blushing

Jimin did not say anything scares Jungkook.

JK: Did I say anything wrong

Jimin shakes his head.

JK: Then why are you not talking to me

Jungkook pout.

JM: because you are too cute for me to handle

JK: Aw my baby is so sweet

JM: I think you better go home now before it gets too late and dangerous

JK: Ok baby, goodnight and sweet dreams

JM: You too and drive safely

Jungkook nods and waves his goodbye.

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