Chapter 30

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JK M: Your son is a nice boy, and I am relieved that my boy falls for your son.

JM M: Your son is a sweet boy too

JK M: I am glad to finally able to meet you

JM M: Same

While Jimin's mum and Jungkook's mother are so into their talk, Jungkook has finish cleaning. Jimin and Jungkook walk over to their parents.

JM: What are you talking about

JK M: Talking about how much we love you

Jimin hugs his mum and mother then Jungkook pout at the side.

JK: How about me

JM M: Of course we love you too

Jungkook also went to hug them. Jimin and Jungkook told them how much they love them too, not forgetting to say to Jungkook's father as well.

F: Love you too, my sons

JK M: I have two sons now

JM M: Oh I have four now

JK M: I thought Jimin is the only child

JM M: Yes but his two friends are also like my sons too

JK M: Oh

F: We should invite their friends

JK M: Yes

JK: Ok calling now

JM: Me too

Jungkook went to call RM, Jhope, Suga, Bogum. Jimin also went to call Jin and V. After the call end they wait for a few minutes until the doorbell rang.

JM: They are here

JK: Let's go open the door and welcome them

Jimin smiles and nods his head in agreement. After they open the door, they lead all of them to the living room.

J: Mum, I miss you

Jin shouted dramatically, causing everyone to laugh.

JM M: I miss you too, son

Jin and Jimin's mum hugs each other.

F: The rest of you come and seat

JK M: Yes do not stand around

Jungkook introduces his friends to Jimin's mum, and Jimin did the same to Jungkook's parents.

RM: Congratulation you are together and your parents have already meet each other

B: Yes you two are fast

Everyone laugh yet they also agree that Jungkook and Jimin relationship went by so fast that even their parents have met each other now.

JH: You two should just get married

Everyone started laughing because Jimin's face went beetroot.

JK: See what you did

Jimin hits Jungkook for making him the centre of the spotlight again. Jungkook felt sorry, so he soothes Jimin by whispering into his ears with nothing but sweet words.

JK: You know you look cute right

Jimin nods his head vigorously.

JK: You might get a headache if you keep nodding

Jimin hit him again for embarrassing him.

JK: Ok know that they also think your beetroot face is cute

JM: Thank you

Jimin calms down a little because of Jungkook's sweet words. Jimin felt thankful for Jungkook, so he silently pecks him.

JK: Did you-

Jimin intercepts not wanting him to finish his sentence because he might go beetroot again.

JM: Yes

JK M: So sweet

Jimin's mum nods her head then everyone started nodding their head as well.

JK: Sorry we could not control our sweetness in front of everyone

Jimin giggles at the side causing Jungkook to look at him.

JK: Why are you laughing

Jimin did not say anything, so there is a moment of silence.

JK: Is it you want me to kiss you in front of everyone here


Jimin answer without any hesitation but the happiness on his face tells everyone the actual answer.

V: You two go and get married already since you cannot keep your hands and mouth to yourself anymore

JM M: I agree

The day in the house went by with lots of talking and laughing. Until it is night, everyone has left the house, Jungkook and Jimin are in their room cuddling.

JM: Thank you for today.

JK: Thank you to you too.

After playing with Jungkook's fingers for quite a while, Jimin started to feel his eyelid getting heavier.

JM: Good night

JK: Good night

Jungkook pecks Jimin's forehead.

JK: Love you

JM: I love you


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