Chapter 20

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JK: Will you be my boyfriend, Park Jimin?

JM: Yes yes

Jimin nods his head with tears falling. Jungkook wipes his tear away and places the necklace around his neck. Jimin looks at the gift Jungkook gives him and look up at Jungkook who is also wearing the same necklace around his neck.

JM: It is nice

JK: I know

JM: Thank you

JK: Anything for you

Jungkook pulls Jimin to his favourite couch, and they sit there cuddling with each other as if they are in their world. The day almost come to an end, so Jimin made a speech before anyone leaves.

JM: Thank you, everyone, for coming. Also thank you for well wishes and gifts.

The night has called, and everyone has left Jungkook's house except for Jimin, who is still cuddling with him in his room.

JM: I think it is better if we get up now

JK: Why

Jungkook whine because all he wanted at the moment is to cuddle with Jimin.

JK: Can we stay like this a little longer

JM: I want to but we cannot

JK: We can

Jimin glares at Jungkook, causing him to stop.

JK: Fine

JM: Let's go

Jungkook gives him a lost look.

JK: It is already late. Where do you want to go at this timing

Jimin laughs at his silliness, and it makes Jungkook mad.

JK: Why are laughing

JM: Because you are so cute

Jungkook turns away showing that he is mad at him, but Jimin still finds him adorable despite him being angry.

JM: You know you still look cute even when you are angry

JK: Shut up

Jungkook raises his voice, and that causes Jimin to went silent. After a couple of minutes, Jungkook realises the room is so quiet that he can even hear a pin drop. Then, it hits him that he told Jimin to keep his mouth shut. He turns around and finds Jimin is not there. He panics and thinks Jimin has left him, so he goes to his living room. He saw the room was clean, but he remembers clearly that earlier before they leave the room, it was still messy. Jungkook then hears a soft whimper, he walks over and saw Jimin. He hugs Jimin from the back.

JK: I am sorry

Jimin did not say anything. Instead, he shoves Jungkook away.

JK: Please do not do this to me

JM: Then you should not have said those words earlier on

JK: Ok I am sorry

Jimin still did not budge even for a second.

JK: Please talk to me

JM: You told me to shut up earlier, and now you change your mind

JK: Please I was mad just now

JM: So I take that when you are mad, you can say anything you want

JK: No that is not what I mean

Jimin did not say anything after and in the room, the only sound heard of is Jungkook pleads.

JK: Please

After taking some time to think Jimin finally speaks up.

JM: You know it is rare for people to get a second chance

JK: Please do not leave me, please

JM: I would not but in one condition

JK: I will do anything for you so what is it

JM: Think before you speak, or there will be no next time

JK: Ok ok

Jungkook hugs Jimin tightly, not wanting to let him go anymore.

JK: So we are officially dating right

Jimin nods his head.

JK: Ok, it is already late. Let's go to sleep.

JM: We could have slept since just now

Jungkook pouts.

JM: Forget it, let's go sleep

After a minute or two, Jungkook and Jimin have dozed off.

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