Chapter 25

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They arrive outside Jungkook's house.

M: We are here

JM: Thanks again mum

M: Anything for my baby

Jimin kisses his mum and gets a kiss in return from his mum.

JM: See you at home mum

M: Um text me if you will be home late

JM: Ok mum bye

M: Bye baby

Jimin waves to his mum and knocks Jungkook's house door.

Jungkook opens the door.

JK: You are here

Jungkook hugs Jimin tightly.

JK: Hi babe

JM: Hi

JK: Come in, my parents cannot wait to meet you already

JM: Ok

Jungkook intertwines his fingers with Jimin's and pulls him to the dining hall where his parents are seated there waiting. Once they are at the dining room, Jimin saw Jungkook's parents smiling at him, and he greeted them.

JM: Good afternoon sir and ma'am

His parents greeted Jimin back.

M: So you must be Jimin

JM: Yes ma'am

M: Do not call me ma'am


Everyone laughs because of Jimin being so shocked.

M: Call me mother instead of ma'am

JM: Ok ma-

Then he saw Jungkook's mother squinted her eyes at him because of what he almost called her.

JM: No, I mean ok mother

M: Good

F: I am this boy father

His father talks while pointing at Jungkook then his mother.

JM: I know sir

F: Father, please

JM: Ok father

F: Take a seat son

His father called both of them out to sit down. On the other hand, Jungkook's mother has not once look elsewhere even for a second. The moment Jimin enters the dining room, her eyes have been on him the entire time, and he realises it. The stares make him uncomfortable, and he started to fidget so much without realising it. Jungkook realises Jimin has been fidgetting for quite some time and he sense Jimin's discomfort then he saw it is because of his mother stares.

JK: Mother

M: Yes

Finally, Jimin calms down a little after Jungkook's mother broke the stares and now looking to her son. Jungkook gave his mother the look of 'you know what I mean', but his mother gave him the lost face then he turned to his father for help.

D: Stop staring at our son-in-law

M: but why? He is so adorable that I cannot take my eyes off him

D: You are overly excited that you did not even see his discomfort from your intimidating stares

M: OH MY I am so sorry dear I do not mean to scare you I adores you so much

JM: It is alright mother

Jungkook's mother smiles at Jimin, they started small talks here and there then, they finally dig into the food. After their meal, his mother asks Jimin a ton of question.

M: Just now you came by what

JM: Mum drives me here

M: Oh my then why did you not ask her to come in as well

JM: It is ok mother, mum is busy too

M: Alright I hope I get to meet her soon

JM: I will arrange for that

M: Thank you son

Jimin smiles and nods at Jungkook's mother.

M: So you must be living with her right

JM: Yes

M: How about your father

JM: Dad died when I was five

M: Oh I am so sorry for bringing that up

Jimin saw the regret and sadness in Jungkook's mother eyes, so he went to comfort her. He smiles at her showing he is alright.

JM: It is ok mother

Jimin changes the topic to enlighten the mood.

JM: So mother how was your trip with father

M: Oh it was great I enjoys it

Jungkook's mother shares everything she did there to Jimin, and he is glad to see Jungkook's mother being the bubbly mother again, that reminds him of his mum.

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