Chapter 18

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After Jungkook and Jimin get a lot more closer, Jungkook decides that he wanted to make Jimin his so no one dares to look or touch him. Jungkook texted V and Jin asking if they have time to meet him for a short while. V and Jin walk into the cafe they saw Jungkook seated at the most back of the cafe and walk towards him.

J: Hey

V raises his hands.

JK: Oh sorry did not saw you, come and have a seat

Both of them smile at Jungkook.

V: So, what is up

J: Yeah, why sudden meet up

JK: Um I need your help

V: With

V looks at Jin seeing if he knew anything but Jin shrugs his shoulder indicating he also does not know anything.

JK: It is about Jimin

V and Jin look at each other and smile.

J: You want help in confessing

JK: How-

Jin intercepts him.

J: We know even if you do not tell us

V: Yeah we wanted to wait for the right time

Jungkook nods his head.

J: So what is the plan

JK: Can you help me decorate the venue

J: We will help you with everything

V nods and smile.

JK: Then, what do you mean by plan

J: The date, time and venue

JK: How about next week

V: Sounds good it is also his birthday week

JK: Oh then we should do all at once

V and Jin agree with the idea.

JK: How about my house. It is pretty spacious.

V: How about your parents?

JK: They will not be home for quite some time

V: Ok

JK: At 3 pm

V: Yeah we can leave post it around his house to lead him to your house

JK: Alright, it is all done, thanks

J: Not a problem at all

V: Please do not hurt him

JK: I will never, ever

With that, V and Jin smiles said their goodbyes and leave.

-Skip to Jimin's birthday-

JM: Morning to my lovely mother

M: Good morning love

JM: So, do you have work today

M: Yes

Jimin's mother is also sad because she cannot spend time with her son when it is his birthday, but little did he know there is a surprise up for him.

M: Jimin ah

JM: Um

M: Your friends left something on the table, make sure to check it out

JM: Ok

M: I am going off now

JM: Take care mother

His mother smiles and gives him a slight nod then hugs him and leave. Jimin walks to the table and picks up the post it.

JM: What is this?

Jimin tried to contact his friends, but none of them is picking up their phone. He decides to give Jungkook a call.

JM: Hello

JK: Yes

JM: Are you free?

JK: No, why?

JM: Nevermind

JK: Are you ok?

JM: Yeah, V and Jin just left me a post-it with a location on it

JK: You need a ride?

JM: Yes, but you are not free

JK: Sorry

JM: It is ok

JK: Take care

JM: Um

With that, they end the call. Jungkook and the rest had a heart attack for a moment because Jimin tried to contact everyone. Now everyone is at ease because Jungkook had answered his call.

JK: I think he is most probably on the way

V: I do not think so

B: and why so

J: Because his mum texted us

Everyone looks at him, waiting for what he is going to say next.

J: He has yet to bath

Everyone faces show how relieved they felt.

-After 15 minutes-

Jimin's mother has also arrived and helped as much as she can. She decided to give him a text as she is worried about her only son.

M: Jimin ah

JM: Yes

M: Are you still at home?

JM: I am in the taxi to meet Jin and V

M: Oh take care

JM: Ok

After the text, Jimin's mum announces to everyone that Jimin is in the taxi already. 

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