Chapter 29

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M: Jimin ah~ wake up

His mum shakes him till he is awake.

M: Do not forget today at 2 pm

JM: Yes my beautiful mum

Jimin kisses his mum, and his mum did in return. His mum walks out of his room, he started stretching, and after a few stretches, he walks to the toilet. He went to take a shower. Jimin has done showering. He changes into a new pair of clothing then, he is about to head down as if in cue his mum shouted.

M: Jimin ah~ breakfast is ready, hurry

JM: Coming

Jimin quickly ran downstairs for breakfast.

M: Fast

Jimin smiles cheekily.

JM: Of course, I would not want to make my beautiful mum wait for me

M: Aw

His mum peck his cheek.

M: Let's eat our breakfast before the food turns cold

JM: Let's go

Both mum and son eat silently. After eating, Jimin clears the table and wash the utensils. Then he sits on the couch beside his mum.

M: Jimin ah~

Jimin looks at his mum.

M: I am glad he can make you smile and laugh a lot

JM: My beautiful mum can do better

His mum laughs and hugs him.

M: I love you, my baby boy.

JM: I love you too, mum.

M: I hope he will never hurt you or else-

Jimin intercepts his mum.

JM: Trust me, he would not

M: Better not

Jimin laughs because his mum is fierce when it comes to someone hurting him, unlike her usual lovely self.

JM: Mum thank you for everything

M: I am thankful to have you too

His mum kisses him then they watch the TV until it is 12.30 pm.

M: Jimin ah~ better go change

JM: Ok

Both Jimin and his mum heads to their room to change to the appropriate outfit.

M: Jimin ah~ are you done yet

JM: Coming

Jimin then walks down the stairs.

JM: Mum

M: Yes

JM: You are so beautiful

M: Thank you, you are handsome too, my son.

JM: Thank you, mum.

M: Alright we better get going

JM: Yes

After almost an hour drive, they finally arrive outside Jungkook's house.

M: Am I still good

JM: Perfect mum

Jimin gives his mum a two thumbs up.

M: Thank you

JM: Let's go, mum

Jimin holds his mum hands on one hand and the other hand he went to knock the door. He heard someone shouted from inside and he knew best whose voice it is.

JK: Coming

Jungkook opens the door and greeted Jimin's mum and him.

JK: Good afternoon mum

M: Good afternoon

JK: Come in

M: Thank you

Jungkook leads them to the dining room. Once they are in the dining room, both Jungkook's parents stand to greet them, and Jimin's mum greeted them back.

JK M: Have a seat

JM M: Thank you

JK M: Sons have a seat too

JM: Thank you, mother.

JK M: How about we eat first then we will talk after

JM M: Sure

They eat quietly then after eating Jungkook went to clear the table and clean the utensils. He was attentively washing the dishes that he did not realise Jimin is walking towards him.

JM: Let me help

JK: No it is ok it is almost done anyway

Jimin grumbles because Jungkook did not allow him to help.

JM: Fine but I will sit here and accompany you

JK: Sure babe

Before he went to sit, he gives Jungkook a peck.

JK: Did you have a good night sleep yesterday

JM: No

Jimin shakes his head even though he knows Jungkook cannot see him.

JK: Why not

JM: Because I was excited to see you that I cannot sleep

JK: Aw me too babe

JM: Really

JK: Yes why did you not call or text me

JM: I thought I would disturb your sleep

JK: You will never disturb my sleep because I am always thinking about you

Due to Jungkook cheesiness, both Jimin and Jungkook started to laugh.

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