Chapter 6

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Jimin POV:

The bright sun covers his face making him awake early on the weekend. His mum came into the room shocked, as he is already awake when usually she has to wake him up.

M: Good morning

JM: Morning mum

Jimin kissed his mum on the cheek.

M: Why are you awake early today?

JM: I do not know

M: Alright, come down for breakfast

JM: Be there soon mum love you

His mum heads to the dining room and set the table for their breakfast. They have their meal while talking happily. After the meal, Jimin washes all the utensils used and wipe clean the table. Both mother and son get ready as Jimin has planned a Saturday date with his mum since they are not able to spend much time together during weekdays.

M: Jimin ah, where are we going?

JM: To somewhere we can make memories and relax at the same time.

M: Where is it?

JM: You will know soon mum

M: Alright

JM: I love you mum

M: I love you too

Throughout the car ride, the mum and son chatted happily, and they arrived at their destination.

JM: We are here mum

M: This place is so beautiful and relaxing

JM: Let's take a picture mum

Jimin and his mum went for a walk while eating ice-cream until dawn. Then, both mother and son went for their dinner at a five-star restaurant. They spend time together and has taken a lot of pictures and videos together as memories so that they could reminisce it. They head home after a long tiring yet fun day. The nightfall and Jimin have fallen asleep after he takes a bath. The next morning, Jin and V are coming over to Jimin's house as that is their usual routine every Sunday ever since they became friends. Jimin's mum has known them very well and has treated them as her sons as well.

M: Jimin ah, wake up

JM: Hm

M: Jin and V are coming, remember

JM: Oh yes

M: Go shower before they arrive

JM: Yes mum

Jimin gets up from his bed and walks to his mother to give her a morning kiss then he heads to the bathroom. Jimin has taken a shower, then he cleans and arranges his bed.

M: Jimin ah, breakfast is ready

JM: Coming

He quickly heads down for breakfast after hearing his lovely mum called him. He clean after he finishes his food. He went to sit on the couch with his mum watching the television while waiting for his friends.

M: Where are Jin and V my sons

JM: Mum, I am your son

M: Yes you are my precious one

His mum kisses him on the cheek. He laughs happily after what his mum said and kisses his mum back.

JM: I love you mum

M: I love you too

Both mother and son had a sweet moment together when the doorbell rings.

JM: They have arrived mum

M: Yes

Jimin went to open the door.


Both Jimin and V laugh because of his voice crack. They do their handshakes then walked into Jimin's house. Both of them went to Jimin's mum to greet and hug her.

V: How are you?

M: Good, how about the two of you?

V: I am fine

J: Good

Jimin's mum smile and nod at them.

M: If you are hungry tell me

Both of them nods. Then went to sit with Jimin at the couch watching the Netflix. However, Jimin was caught off guard scrolling through Instagram.

J: Jungkook

JM: What are you doing behind me

V: Peeking at what you are doing


Both Jin and V laugh because of Jimin reaction when he gets caught checking out on Jungkook.

JM: You better watch out

J: Sorry

V: We are just kidding

When they realised what they throw themselves into and decided to back out.

JM: I am kidding too

All of them laugh at their silliness.

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