Getting new clothes and heading to menagerie.

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{Kurama speech}

Quick note this takes place during the time skip between volume 3 and 4.

Y/n P.O.V~

I wake up the sun shining on my face as I get up off the ground and see the remains of the campfire Blake and I was using last night. I look around to see Blake still sleeping. An adorable look on her face. I smiled and sat down to talk to Kurama.

Y/n:( You okay, Kurama. You have been pretty quiet lately.)

Kurama:{ Yeah I'm fine, just worried.}Y/n:( Worried about what?)

Kurama:{ Adam stole half of my chakra you dingaling!}

Y/n: (Kurama I'm not too worried about that.)

Kurama:{ How can you not be worried about this!?}

Y/n:(Kurama, you need to relax. Adam can't even use chakra.)

Kurama:{ Yeah! But he could learn!}

Y/n:( Kurama, how long did it take for Naruto and me to learn to use chakra properly.)

Kurama:{Around 12-13 years.}

Y/n:" Yeah, and that's why we don't have much to worry about. All we need to do is find him kill him and take your chakra."

Blake:" What's this talk about killing someone."

I looked to see what Blake was up sitting criss-cross. She had a curious look on her face.

Y/n:" I uh I- was uh talking to a friend."Blake:" How were you talking to?"

I panicked because I didn't know how to say I was talking to the nine-tailed fox.

Kurama:" He was talking to me."

Blake approached Kurama very slowly.

Blake:" This is the nine-tailed fox?"

Blake then rushed towards Kurama and hugged him.

Blake:" He's so cute!"

Kurama:" Hold on, I'm not a freaking stuffed animal."

Blake then hugged Kurama tighter, shoving his face in her breast.

Kurama:" Okay, You can keep going."I pulled Kurama out of my girlfriend's grasp.

Kurama:" Aww..."

Y/n:" Oh, don't be baby."

I then looked at Blake, trying to change the subject.

Y/n:" Anything on tap for today?"

Blake:" Well, my clothes are a bit too tight, so I was hoping that we could head into town."

Y/n:" That sounds good."

Blake and I pack up our camp and head into the nearest town. After five minutes of looking, we find a cute little clothing shop and enter. Blake looks around and picks out some clothes.

Blake:" Let me know how this looks."

Blake enters the fitting room and comes out a few minutes later with some new clothes.

Blake enters the fitting room and comes out a few minutes later with some new clothes

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Blake:" So what do you think?"

Y/n:" Looks nice, but I think it could be better."

Blake:" How?"

I grab a bunch of the same clothes Blake was wearing but in different colors.

Y/n:" Try these on."

Blake once again entered the fitting room and came out wearing the same outfit but with different colors.

Blake once again entered the fitting room and came out wearing the same outfit but with different colors

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Y/n:" I think that looks good."

Blake:" Well, I like these colors too. Are you going to getting anything?"

Y/n:" I already picked out an outfit when you were in there."

Blake:" Alright, that sounds good."We got to pay at the self-checkout option after finding a machine we scan our cloths, and blake was about to pay, but I stop her.

Y/n:" Blake, let me pay."

Blake:" Why?"

Y/n:" I'm your boyfriend, and I want to treat you like that beautiful queen you are."

Blake's cheeks became flustered, and she kissed my cheek.

Blake:" Treat me right, and maybe I give you even more kisses."

I blushed carried our new clothes, and we got changed. My stomach soon rumbled as I was hungry.

Y/n:" You hungry, Blake?"

Blake:" Yeah, I could eat."

I then heard a growl, almost like a lion's as Blakes stomach rumbled. Blake became immersed as I let out a soft chuckle as we walked to a fast restaurant and began to eat.

Y/n:" So Blake, you told me that we were going to your home, but where exactly is your home."

Blake:" Menagerie the land of the Faunus."

Y/n:" Wait a minute, aren't humans, not aloud there? Will I get kicked out?"

Blake: "No, you won't. I'll make sure of it."

Y/n:" So when are we leaving."Blake:" The ship leaves in a few minutes, so we had better pack up."

I finish my food as Blake leads me into a shipyard as we soon boreded and prepare for a long trip. The ship begins to leave, and Blakes turns her head to me.

Blake:" Y/n, you never did answer my question what was that talk of killing someone."

Y/n:" Do you really want to know?"

Blake nodded her head. I let out a sigh as I looked out over the side of the ship.

Y/n:" Back at Beacon Adam stole about half of Kurama's chakra, and to get it back, I'll have to take it from him, and the process will kill him."

Blake puts an arm on my shoulder and hugs me.

Blake:" Let's cross that bridge when we come to it, okay."

Adam P.O.V~

I was planning my next move when I heard that annoying fox speak again.

Nine-tails:" You can't keep me here forever."

Adam:" I can, and I will, you stupid fox."

The fox pounded on the gate of its prison. I smirked knowing and gazed at the seal on my hand knowing that ultimate power was mine

My big Blue fox. (Blake belladonna x abused male jinchuuriki reader) discountedWhere stories live. Discover now