The Takedown

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Danny comes at me and throws a punch at me. I guard myself from the punch and fight him while waiting for the Avengers to get here.
I'm on the ground with Danny on top of me. All of a sudden Danny is pulled away from me. I see that Steve and Tony are they ones that pulled Danny away from me.
I get up and feel an arm wrap around my waist. I look at who it is and see Bruce. "I could have handled it myself but thanks anyway," I say crossing my arms.
Bruce makes me face him and I see that he's worried and sort of mad. "Why would you face him alone?" He asks me. "You could have been killed."
"But I wasn't Bruce. I'm perfectly fine and like I said thanks anyway. And at least I let you guys know where I was."
"And it could have been worse," Clint says walking towards Bruce and I. "Like Bruce said, you could have been killed when we got here."
I look at Clint, then at Bruce, then at the others. "I'm sorry it won't happen again," I say.
"It better not happen again."
At the moment police come and they take Danny away. I go over to Bruce and kiss him.
"I love you so much Bruce," I tell him as he put his arms around my waist.
"I love you too Joy," he says kissing me again. "I don't want to lose you, ever." Bruce puts a hand on my cheek.
"I don't want to lose you either," I say.
"Come on lovebirds lets go back to the Avengers Tower!" Tony yells at Bruce and I.
Bruce and I go over to the others and we start go back to the Avengers Tower.

My Calm In The Storm(Bruce Banner Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz