Hearts Touch

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Danny groaned and opened hi eyes. There was a white ceiling and cream colored walls. The bed under him felt like a cloud, ruling out the possibility of him being in a hospital. There were IVs attached to him, and he had a cast on his left arm and right leg.

He tried to sit up so he could get a better look around, but was met with an intense pain in his chest.

"I wouldn't do that. You're pretty hurt Daniel." Danny jumped in surprise, and locked his eyes with Vlad.

"Where am I? What happened?" Vlad gazed into Danny's eyes and saw fear there. Danny was scared about what had happened, even though he tried not to show it. 'Ah, his hero streak has come in...

"You're in my mansion. Your parents hurt you for some reason and you ran into the woods behind your house to get away. You called me and asked for help, said you thought you were dying. When I found you, you were unconscious and Jack was standing over you aiming an ecto weapon at you. If he'd shot you, you would have died. I grabbed you before he could shoot, and took you here where you'd be safe." Danny tried hard to recall anything. He remembered pain, lots of it, and some of that phone call. He decided to trust Vlad, at least for now.

"Did you hurt my dad?"

"No. I didn't even think about it..." Vlad's voice quavered a little at this response. Danny decided not to push it too far, plus he was feeling tired.

"Thanks Vlad." Danny closed his heavy eyes, and fell asleep.

Vlad stared at Danny as he slept, he was glad he was safe, but he wondered what had happened to him. Also, why Danny had called him of all people? He sighed as he realized Danny's IV was running low on water. He walked out of the room and down the vast stairs to the kitchen, where he got a new water bag. After walking back up to Danny's room, he hooked it up and decided he should go to bed. It was past midnight.

Sometime in the night Danny woke up to a crash. He tried to sit up, but again was met with excruciating pain.

"What the heck's going on out there?" Danny wondered aloud. After a few minutes, the noise stopped and Vlad walked into Danny's room.

"Sorry, Skulker was here. He heard you were hurt badly and wanted to take advantage of that." Danny's eyes grew wide. Vlad, of all people, had defended him against some one he had worked with before.

"Um, thanks a lot Vlad." Vlad could tell this weirded Danny out, so he decided to leave.

"Get some sleep. You need it." Vlad shut the door, and turned out the hall lights. Danny closed his eyes once again and went to sleep.

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