Balancing and Shadow

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Danny opened his eyes once again. The lights were all turned off, but sunlight was filtering in lightly through the blinded windows. He tried moving his left leg, and found it stiff but possible to move. He then tested his right arm, and felt a slight stab of pain near his elbow. Looking over he realized he had IVs stuck in his arm and tapped down so they wouldn't stick up. 'Note to self, don't move arm with IVs in it.' Danny lifted his head and found it easy and pain free.

Pursing his lips in strain and concentration, Danny slowly sat up. He pulled the IVs out of his arm, wincing slightly. He put most of his weight on his left leg, and stood up.

He stood there, on wobbly, unstable legs. Too afraid to move, Danny sat back down on the bed. About five nervous minutes later, Danny was standing again, and took a cautious step. He lost his balance immediately, and began teetering and waving his hands wildly in an attempt to regain his balance. While this was happening Vlad fazed into the room.

"Daniel!" he exclaimed, setting down a trey of soup. Right as Danny began to fall, Vlad caught him so he wouldn't hurt himself further.

"You must be careful. You've only been resting for a week now. How much sleep do you normally get anyways?" Vlad set Danny back on his feet, but didn't relax.

Fearful of falling again, and embarrassed that Vlad had to catch him, Danny sat down on the bed.

"Five, maybe six hours a night."

"Daniel, that's not healthy. Why so little?" Vlad was shocked. Teenagers where supposed to get at least eight hours of sleep a night.

"I had to fight ghosts. They like to show up whenever, it doesn't matter what time it is to them."

"Well, you need to catch up on sleep. You've been healing rapidly, faster than I've ever seen. You're leg's almost back to normal. Go to sleep Daniel." Danny sighed, but laid back down anyway.

"Oh, before you go to sleep, take this." Vlad held out a small white pill. "It's a calcium pill. It'll help your arm. I've been having to force feed you these, and you fight back pretty hard." For the first time, Danny noticed a big bruise on Vlad's forearm. It looked like a foot print. Danny picked up the pill, glanced at it, then swallowed it. He closed his eyes, and fell into a deep slumber.

Vlad sighed as he began pouring the soup into an IV bag, then hooked it up to an IV and finally, put the IVs back into Danny. He picked up the tray from a nearby bed side table, and fazed through the floor into the kitchen. As he set the tray in the sink for the maids to clean, he thought he felt a shadow pass over him and a whisper "Take all, leave all." He stiffened, ready to defend Danny if necessary, and looked around. Seeing nothing, Vlad decided it was just his imagination and went off to his study to work on some papers.

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