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"Ember? What happened to you?" Ember was shaking and hugging her knees. Her face was bruised, and dark purple. She had tiny streams of ectoplasm running down her face and toward her chest. She was scrunched down on herself, and seemed to be trying to squeeze into the wall. Danny crawled foreword, concern coloring his eyes and tone.

"Are you okay?" he touched out to touch her, but she suddenly swatted his hand away and crawled along the wall away from him. Danny tried again, not moving as quickly so he wouldn't startle her.

"Ember? I'm a good guy remember? You can tell me what happened." He reached out, and lightly covered her hand with his own. She trembled, but didn't try to move away again. Danny stayed quiet, allowing her time to think. She looked up into his blue eyes, and finally let out a shaky sigh.

"Skulker and I got into a fight... I thought I could take him, but I was wrong." She sniffled. Danny held in a surprised gasp. He knew Skulker was cruel, but he never though he'd actually hurt another ghost that's almost as powerful as him, let alone a female! Scooting closer, but not too close to make her uncomfortable, Danny began to unzip her jacket.

"What are you doing?" she exclaimed, fumbling for the zipper with shaky hands.

"Helping. If you don't get those wounds cleaned and gauzed, you could bleed out." Danny gently swatted her hand away from the zipper, and helped her out of the jacket. Danny couldn't hold in his gasp this time. Her stomach was completely dark blue, with some grey spots. She had ectoplasm all over it as well. Biting her lip, she looked at Danny nervously. She couldn't believe she was getting help from an enemy! This was definitely going to cause her reputation to go down.

Danny gently and carefully slipped his arms under her knees, and across her back. Trying his best not to hurt her. She latched her hands behind his neck, and lifted herself up a little so he wouldn't have to worry about hurting her as much. He walked over to a lab table, and laid her down on it. She shuddered a little as the cool metal made contact with her wounds. Danny turned and walked over to a nearby cabinet, where he pulled out some alcohol, bandages, and gauze.

Returning to the table where Ember lay in pain, he set the medical supplies down on the floor. "This is gonna hurt a little." He warned her, unscrewing the cap to the alcohol. She nodded and gritted her teeth. Danny poured a little bit of the antistatic on a cotton ball, and began cleansing her wounds as fast as he could. As soon as he was done with one, he'd wrap it up and move on to the next. It took him 15 minutes to fully cleanse and wrap her up. After he was done, he put the supplies away, and helped her stand.

"Thanks." she smiled at him.

"Any time. You can't go back in the ghost zone in this stage though, so you can stay here." Danny grabbed her hand, and phased them through the ceiling until they reached his room. Ember glanced around, and Danny watched her. After a few moments she looked back at him.

"Pretty kickin' place you have. I like the guitar. Is it a base?" Danny grinned and nodded. She looked around again, taking in his huge room. Then, blinking she looked down at their hands. Danny followed her gaze, and realized they where still holding hands. They immediately let go of each others hand, and started walking around. Danny reached under his bed, and pulled out a few blankets and a pillow. Laying one of the blankets and the pillow on the floor, he laid down and covered up with his blanket.

After a few minutes, Ember noticed what he was doing. "What're you doing?"

"You can have the bed." Danny mumbled sleepily. Blinking in surprise, Ember walked over to the bed and pushed the covers aside. Crawling into the super soft bed, she laid down, and rolled over so she could see Danny. He was facing her, already asleep.

"Thanks dipstick, maybe you're not so bad after all." and with that, Ember quietly slipped into a sleep like state.

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