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It was night-time by the time Sam and Tucker arrived outside the Master's Mansion, and they prefered it that way. Or at least Sam did. She pulled her helmet off, and hid her scooter by the side of the mansion. "Come on Tucker." she whispered, checking her watch. 7:15. She crept around the side of the building after Tucker hid his helmet and scooter, and he followed her.

"Why are you leading?" he whispered.

"Because we both know I'm better with handling Vlad than you. Especially if it comes down to a fight." Sam whispered back over her shoulder.

"Untrue..." Tucker whispered then went off into unintelligible mumbles.

"Shh!" Sam hissed at him. He quit talking and settled for a glare. Sam rolled her eyes and snuck up to an open window. She grabbed the edge and pulled herself up to see inside. To her immense surprise, Danny was in the room watching TV on the sofa, and he was alone. Vlad was no where in sight.

"Psst! Danny" she called out to him. He frowned and looked over to the window with a confused look. Seeing Sam at the window, his eyes grew in size and he got up and walked over to the window.

"What are you guys doing here?" he asked, seeing Tucker. "If Vlad finds you, he'll have a restraining order put on you."

"We wanted to check on you." Sam explained.

"Stay out there, I'll be out in a second." Danny ran away from the window and excited the building. He ran around to where Sam and Tucker were. "How did you know where I am?" he asked, crouching away from the window in case Vlad came in the room.

"Call it a hunch." Tucker chuckled.

"Are you okay? C'mon, we need to get out of here before Vlad finds out you're gone." Sam grabbed Danny's wrist and pulled him toward her scooter.

"Sam, I'm fine. And I can't." Danny said, dragging his heels into the ground so he wouldn't be dragged.

"Are you crazy?! Danny, Vlad is your arch-enemy, remember? He's going to do something horrible to you after he gains your trust!" Sam exclaimed, trying to sway him.

"He already has it." Danny stated coldly, determined to defend Vlad.

"What?!" Tucker and Sam exclaimed in surprise.

"What happened to you? You used to hate Vlad." Sam ground through her teeth.

"Sam, he saved my life." Danny explained. "And forgave me for everything, took me in, I think he's deserving of my trust."

"He saved your life? How exactly did he do that?" Sam asked, annoyance and sarcasm coloring her voice.

"He came after me after my parents tried to kill me. He fixed me up, I was close to being dead from so much blood loss and being in the snow and ice for as long as I was."

"...your parents tried to kill you? Why?" Sam asked, her eyes becoming softer.

"I told them my secret. They didn't accept me..." Danny replied, looking down.

Sam put a hand on Danny's shoulder. "Oh Danny... I'm so sorry. I can't believe they wouldn't accept you."

Danny smiled at her. "Thanks... I'm still not leaving though. Vlad's actually been a really nice guy, and I kind of like it here."

Sam sighed as she took her hand off Danny's shoulder. "Fine. But we're coming to check up on you every once in a while." She said, picking up her helmet and clipping it on under her chin. Tucker did the same thing.

Danny chuckled. "I had a feeling you would."

Sam smiled at him as she took her scooter in her hand and started it up. She waved to him before riding out to the street.

"Bye dude. Good luck." Tucker chuckled as he started his scooter up and took off after Sam. Danny chuckled and walked back inside, planning on continuing the action movie he had been watching. When he walked back in the room, he saw Vlad standing by the open window, smiling.

"Oh, um, did you hear any of that by chance?" Danny asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Quit a bit." Vlad nodded, still smiling.

"Erm... what parts?"

"The parts were you defended me." Vlad chuckled.


"Thank you, for that, Danny." Vlad smiled before walking out of the room.

"...well that was awkward..." Danny muttered, sitting back down and clicking play on the movie.

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