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"Tucker, what are we gonna do! ? Vlad has Danny, and we don't know where or what he's doing to him." Sam started pacing around her bedroom, as Tucker sat on the bed, his head following her movements.

"Sam, relax. All we have to do is load up on ecto weapons, throw the booooomerang, and get in the Specter Speader."

"Tucker, I don't think it's that simple. Something's wrong. We haven't heard anything from the Fenton's and Danny's been gone for a month. Don't you think they'd be a little worried by now?" Sam stopped passing and looked worriedly at Tucker.

"Yeah, you're right. We should investigate." Tucker jumped off the bed and ran for the door. Sam grabbed him by the collar before he could open the door.

"Uh, yeah. We should, but we're not going to without a plan. If the Fenton's aren't worried about Danny, then we know for a fact something's wrong. We need to figure out when the best time to investigate would be without getting ourselves hurt or in trouble." Sam released Tucker, and placed her hand on her chin. "Hmm... it's six-thirty. They'll be done with dinner in about ten minutes. How about we head over there at six-forty five?" Sam raised an eyebrow, glancing at Tucker, who nodded.

"Okay, 'till then we need to try and figure out what might be wrong... and dance around it delicately." Sam plopped down in a nearby purple bean bag chair, and Tucker sat back on to the bed.

"Maybe Danny got tired of all the explosions, and ran away, and left them a note?" Tucker suggested after a long silence.

"No, Danny wouldn't do that. Especially without telling us." Sam shook her head.

"Yeah..." another long silence fallowed Tucker's comment.

"Hmm... maybe he... got his secret revealed, and now he's recovering?"

"No, we would've known about a ghost fight." this time, Sam didn't even glance up at Tucker. Instead, she glanced at the clock.

"Six-forty three... lets get going Tuck." she stood up, and strode out the door, with Tucker on her heels.

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