Breakfast Burritos

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Warm sunshine burst through the expensive drapes hanging on Danny's big two paned window. The rays of sunshine slowly crept across the floor, up the bed, and finally settled comfortably on Ember's face. Scrunching up her face, the girl open her eyes. Repeatedly blinking until her vision cleared, she slowly recalled where she was, and what predicament she was in. Rolling over, she glanced down at the still sleeping Danny. He looked extremely peaceful, and was even drueling slightly on his pillow. Ember scrunched up her nose at the sight, but chuckled none the less. Slowly, she slid out of the bed and began flying through the house. Eventually, she found the kitchen and settled on making him some sort of breakfast as a "thank you".

She strolled over to the fridge, and pulled out a fewl ingrediants. Eggs, cheese, milk, and ballanced them in her arms. Placing them on the counter, Ember began opening and closing cupboards trying to find a frying pan. After a few minutes, she finally found one in a cupoard over the sink. Setting to work, she turned on the stove and cracked open a couple of eggs. As she stirred the eggs around, she added in ingrediants. Cheese, milk, spices. After a while, she finally finished what was supposed to be an omlet but looked more like a burrito. She smiled as she heard footsteps on the stairs, and slid the omlet on a plate. As soon as she set the plate on the small kitchen table, Danny came running into the kitchen with a half panic half hungry look. Over all, it was pretty funny.

"I made you some breakfast dipstick. It was supposed to be an omlet...didn't work out too well." Danny glanced down at the breakfast and smiled.

"It's okay, it looks good." Danny picked up a fork, and very unsurely cut off a piece and tried it. It was spicey, and warm. He smiled up at Ember through the burrito.


"It's good. Better than you probably thought it'd be." Ember smiled as she slid her own burrito onto a plate and sank into a chair across from Danny. Cutting off a piece of her burrito, she slipped it into her mouth and twirled her fork thoughtfully as she chewed. After a few minutes, Danny finished his burrito, and stood to put his plate in the sink. He turned to walk out of the kitchen, but Ember caught him before he could.

"Danny? Can i ask you something?" Danny blinked, surprised. She never called him Danny.

"Sure, what?"

"What...happened to you? You dissapered."

"Oh, well... um... I guess I'll have to tell you eventually.. um I told my know, my secret."


"They...attacked me."

"Oh..." Ember's face was shocked.

"I managed to make it out to the woods, but I knew if I didn't get help soon I'd die. They hurt me that bad. I called Vlad...he...he saved me."

"Have you seen your parents since?"

"No. I don't really know if it'd be smart to see them."

"I understand that. I just can't believe they attacked you. They never seemed like those type of adults..."

"Yeah...hey Ember?"


"Can you keep it a secret? I don't want this to fly around the ghost zone just yet." Danny placed a hand on the door pane, ready to walk out.

"Yeah Danny, I will." Danny smiled at her.


"You're welcome, dipstick."

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