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"Ughn..." Danny groaned as he opened his eyes. The first thing he noticed was Vlad, who was standing over him with his hands on Danny's shoulders. The next thing he noticed was that it wasn't even light outside.

"Oh good, you're awake. Time to start training." Vlad turned and left the room, leaving behind a blinking half awake Danny. Sighing, he stood up and headed out the door and followed Vlad.

"Okay, lets start with something simple. Aim at the targets, and shoot. Take down as many as possible in sixty seconds." Vlad pressed a button and about thirty targets all popped up on the other side of the lab from Danny.

"Too easy." Danny grinned, a spark of excitement in his eyes as he transformed. Starting up his fists with ecto plasm, Vlad pressed another button that started a stop watch. Firing, Danny took down over half the targets when the time was up.

"Very good Danny. Lets make it a little more hard for you." Vlad set the stopwatch to thirty seconds and pressed a green button which caused the targets to start moving very fast. Danny blinked, and started firing with better aim. When time was up, he'd hit eighteen targets.

"Okay. What powers do you have Danny? Show me them." Danny nodded and thought about all the powers Vlad knew. There was flight, intangibility, ecto blasts, and his ghost wail.

"Do you want to see them all or the ones you haven't seen?" Vlad blinked.

"I haven't seen them all? Well, just show me all of them." Danny nodded his answer, and turned intangible, then invisible, jumped up and flew lazily around the room. He shot a couple of ecto blasts at the targets, landed and shot ice from his hands, eyes, and feet at the targets, freezing them.

"I have a ghostly wail, you've seen it, but I'm not going to use it in here. It's very destructive."

"I remember."

Danny then attempted to split and make copies of himself, managed to make four, but Vlad could tell he was struggling.

"You're struggling with that one. Is it new?"


"Okay, fuse back and I'll help you." Danny did as told and watched Vlad with complete attention.

"Okay, focus on the energy. Feel it?" Danny nodded. "Now, think about how many clones you want and try to split the power into that number." Danny did as told, and when he opened his eyes, there were five of him.

"Hey, it worked! Thanks!" All the Dannys grinned as the original fused back.

"Welcome, and lets take a breakfast break. You've got to be getting hungry." Danny nodded, and they both flew up and through the house and into the kitchen.

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