A Visit

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It'd been three hours, and still no peep or squeak from Vlad. Not even the sound of a rusty door hinge opening. Danny was beginning to get worried, where was Vlad? Was he okay? Danny got up from the couch and walked over to the window. Looking out at the snowy grounds of the mansion, Danny brought a fist up to his mouth and began chewing on his knuckles lightly. It was a habit he'd started when Vlad had taken him in.

'Where is he? Wait...the car isn't out there.' Danny noticed the car wasn't where it normally was. Danny furrowed his eyebrows. 'Where did he go?'

Vlad rolled down the driver side window some, glaring out at the big two story building. Three stories, if you count the basement. He absolutely loathed the owners, and he wished he could do something to them so they would know, but he couldn't because of Danny. If he did anything, Danny would be very disappointed in him. He did have a few words for them though...

Picking up the envelope from the passenger seat, he slipped it into the mailbox. Rolling the window back up, Vlad hit the gas and drove off. It was around noon when he stopped at the Nasty Burger drive through and ordered Danny and him some lunch. While he was waiting for his food to be ready, he saw Sam and Tucker, walking into the parking lot.

'Hey...aren't they Daniel's friends?' Getting out of the car, Vlad jogged up to them. "Hey, aren't you Daniel's friends?" They turned around, and when they saw who it was, horror and anger filled their faces.

"Where is he! Where'd you take Danny!" Sam yelled at Vlad. Blinking, Vlad took a step back.

"Um, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't tell you. For Daniel's safety."

"Yeah, what'd be safe for Danny is if he's far away from you!" Sam said this as she poked Vlad in the chest. Vlad narrowed his eyes in anger.

"Young lady, if it weren't for me, Daniel would be dead. His parents nearly killed him, and he called me asking for help." Vlad turned swiftly at this, ignoring the disbelieving statements shouted at him. The employee must have given up, because there was a sack of food sitting at the window. Getting in the car and grabbing the food, Vlad drove home.

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