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"Danny?" Vlad walked up behind Danny who turned around giving him a bright smile. He muted the TV where he was watching some show that Vlad didn't recognize. "I was wondering if you'd like me to tutor you on your ghost powers. I understand if you don't want me to." Danny blinked at him in surprise. It'd been a full two months since Vlad had saved him from dying at the hands of someone he used to love, his own father. Did he want Vlad to teach him? Vlad was evil before, but he hadn't done anything evil since Danny had moved in. Or, at least, as far as Danny knew. Making his decision, Danny gave Vlad a smile.

"Sure." Vlad's face turned into a look of surprise, then a happy smile. Unless Danny was blind, he didn't see even a hint of evil in Vlad's face. However, he did see joy and happiness. Danny remembered what Vlad had said before he tried to get his morph DNA to make a clone. "All I ever wanted, was love." Maybe he was telling the truth. Danny suddenly felt sorry for all the times he'd teased Vlad, called him a fruitloop, everything. In truth, Danny had no idea why Vlad had saved him. It would've made more since for Vlad to have hung up on him and forget about him. He should hate Danny for all the things he'd done to him. He threw all Vlad had wanted, the love of a son and wife, in his face. Vlad offered a truce once, let down his guard, and Danny had accepted only to trick Vlad. He couldn't imagine why Vlad had saved him.

"Hey Vlad?" Danny asked when Vlad turned around to head upstairs. He paused and turned back towards Danny expectantly. He probably had his guard up expecting Danny to yell at him and take back everything he'd said to Vlad in the past two months.

"Why'd you do it?" Danny asked.

"Do what?" Vlad seemed very confused.

"Why'd you save me? If I were you I would've hated me by then and not cared." Vlad blinked and walked over to Danny. He put a hand on Danny's shoulder and kneed down so he was level with Danny.

"Danny, I could never hate you. Sure I was mad, but I couldn't leave you to die." Danny nodded and smiled at Vlad. And before he knew what he was doing, his arms were around Vlad's neck, and he was hugging the man he'd never thought he'd hug. Ever.

"Thanks." Danny mumbled next to Vlad's ear. Vlad, who had frozen in place from shock, relaxed a little and hugged Danny back.

"Your welcome Daniel."

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