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The coldness enveloped me, and all I could see was darkness. It stretched out in front of me like an endless tunnel with no visible means of escape. My body felt numb, the pain from the accident had vanished, the only remaining pain came from the small round bullet hole to the right side of my torso. I felt like I was being pulled in two directions, as though strings were hauling me backwards, whilst a magnet drew me forwards. I could hear whispers getting louder, chaos echoing from far away, shouting voices and loud beeping. I couldn't pick out anything specific from the din, but it seemed to be part of what was drawing me back. Suddenly a loud continuous beep sounded, getting louder and louder until I had to cover my ears, my eyes squeezing closed as it reached a dangerous pitch. I felt a force hit my body, followed by the beep cutting out as everything went silent and a bright white light surrounded me.

Beep... Beep.... Beep...

The quiet sound became clearer along with the feeling of a softness underneath me, and the heartbroken sound of a man's voice.

"... Can't believe this is happening again. I can't lose you too. Please Athena, come back to me."

I recognised Jett's voice, and I felt elated that he was here, and he was safe, but the pain in his tone tore at my heart. I wanted to tell him I was here, that I wasn't going anywhere, but I couldn't move or speak, and I felt myself drift away once again.

"You're scaring me. I can't bear to see you like this..." Jett whispered, bringing me round again.

I felt a warmth around my hand and forearm, followed by a small drip of something like water against my knuckles. Jett sniffed and I realised that it was a tear. It ran down my wrist as he pressed his lips against the back of my hand. I tried to give a little squeeze in response, but my limbs all felt too heavy to move, and I drifted back into an exhausted slumber.

The steady beeping reached me once more, and I heard the shallow, calm breathing of someone nearby. The smell of disinfectant clarified that I was in hospital. I could feel a hand entwined with my own, and I was relieved to find that this time, I was able to move, giving a light squeeze and hearing a sigh in response as someone shuffled nearby. My eyelids fluttered open, finally showing me a blurred version of my dimly lit hospital room. The sky was black outside the window, and I turned towards my left, where I'd heard the movement, my eyes coming into focus and landing on a sleeping Jett. His head resting upon his arm, against the mattress, his hand linked with mine. I smiled with pure happiness as I looked down at him. I went to sit up, but the pain returned to my body instantly, and a searing feeling struck me in the side where the bullet hit me. I hissed, trying not to shout out a string of swear words as I lowered myself back against my pillows. My eyes wandered over Jett's face, studying him closely, memorising every beautiful detail. I'd missed him, it sounded stupid, but I had. I stroked the back of his hand with my thumb, and saw him begin to stir. I imagined that he must be exhausted, and stopped, not wanting to disturb him, but it was too late, he blinked sleepily, looking up at me. His lips curved up in a small smile, before he realised properly that I was awake and instantly became alert, jumping in his chair and reaching over, cupping my cheek and kissing me.

"Tell me I'm not dreaming." He whispered, his lips parting from mine as he pressed his forehead to my own.

"You're not dreaming." I said softly, brushing my lips over his.

His thumb continued to caress my cheek as he pulled back and just looked at me, tears building in his eyes.

"I thought I'd lost you." He said, his voice cracking.

I slid my hand up his arm, letting it rest over his chest.

"You will never lose me." I replied, my eyes fixed on his, making sure that he could feel the truth and determination of my words.

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