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At school, our group was having a few problems. We all sat at separate tables because no one seemed to be getting along. Lauren sat with Roni, Xo sat with Ava, Mila walked around, and I sat with Nessa.

It was always quite which I didn't like much. So I decided I had enough and needed to put everyone back together.

"This had been one quiet week," Nessa said poking at her food. "I'm going to fix that!" I smiled tossing my food in the trash.

"I already tired by inviting Alex and Aaron but you didn't seem to happy about it," Nessa says looking up at me.

"Well Alex kept flirting with you and Aaron was just...Existing. Not doing a thing" I sat back down putting my head on the table. "I wish Franny and Nezza had first lunch with us"

"Awe baby" Nessa smiles and grabs my face pulling it only inches away from hers. "You know I only have a heart for you, and also Aaron is having a rough time trying to get over Roni so be easy on him" She filled the gap between us, kissing me softly.

I smiled and kissed her back pulling her body closer. "I love you Nessa" "I love you more cuteness" She smiled booping my nose. "I grab her hands and look into her eyes before kissing her on her nose.

"Dude, can we talk?" Lauren asks sitting down next to us, Roni by her side. "Sure, wassup?" I ask leaning forward.

"What's up with Mila?" She asks instantly. "She's salty cuz Xiomara is with Ava." "I'm not salty!" Mila shouts from behind us sitting next to Nessa.

"I just don't like them dating that's all." Mila sighed, "I'm sorry for making you mad Laur, I didn't know calling her Lani would make you upset" Mila apologized looking at the green-eyed girl for forgiveness.

"It's ku Mila, and I guess it was kinda upsetting bringing her up. I haven't thought about her since I got with Roni." Lauren smiled and hugged her girlfriend.

"So are we good?" "Yep!" Xo said sitting down next to us. "Can we call you guys Launi?" Ava asked exited. "Yes, you guys can have our ship name be Launi" Lauren smiled and we all hugged. "Best day ever!" Ava squealed.

We all laughed and enjoyed our lunch until the bell rang. We parted ways and headed to class. "Only 3 more classes to go" I mumbled as I walked with Nessa.


6th-period history class was honestly the most boring class I have. The teacher is an ass and I'm separated from Roni. But we got partnered up for a project.

"Meet me at the football bleachers after school ok, we're going to start on the poster," Roni said taking down notes.

"Why don't we go to your house?" I question. "Because Nessa is touring someone in the library and that's where Lauren hangs out after school. She's trying out for soccer" A light bush spread over Roni's cheeks. Just mentioning the green-eyed girl makes her happy.

I sigh looking down at my paper, "Fine, and the keyword is trying out ok, Lauren runs weird and her lungs are horrible, so sports aren't her thing"

Roni looks up and throws her pen at me. "Shut up Y/N" She smiles grabbing the pen. "It's true, it's almost laughable. Scratch that, it is laughable" I chuckle writing down my notes.

"Whatever, I just wanna see her" "Also, would you have anything to do with her having bad lungs? " She looks back up raising an eyebrow

"No, but she is responsible for mine. My asthma is 10x worse now" I laugh. "You're so stupid!" She laughs back.

I put my hands over my heart and put on a fake hurt face. "Ouch! That hurts Merrell really hurts" She laughs more rolling her eyes.

"Nessa is right, you really are a dork"

"I try"


The bell rang and Roni and I walked to the bleachers together. We sat down sideways facing each other to work better on our half of the poster. I was facing away from Lauren and the rest of the girls trying out for the soccer team.

"Ok, let's get started" Roni smiled grabbing her pencil. "Fine, but don't get distracted by your girlfriend" I laugh looking up from my phone. A light blush spreads across Roni's cheeks.

"Shut up and get off your phone!" She gives me an angry look then focuses her attention on the poster. I set my phone down and start writing down the notes I took from my notebook.

Every once in a while, Roni would glance behind me and smile. It wasn't noticeable that she was, in fact, looking behind me. But I knew she was.

"Focus Merrell!" I'd laugh and she would throw something at me. It happened frequently but we still managed to work on the poster.

She'd do the same when I'd grab my phone and text Nessa or one of the girls. "Focus Y/L/N!" She'd tease and instead of throwing something at her, I'd just roll my eyes and put my phone down.

Other than our little distractions and the soccer players behind me, it was quiet. I was listening to music and Roni was 100% focused on the poster.

Sometimes I'd hum the song I was listening to but quickly stop when she would give me an angry look.

We were almost finished when Roni got distracted again. She smiled leaning forward closer to me to get a better look at the short-haired girl.

Her eyes were soft and if it was possible, in hearts like in those cartoons. I just laughed and leaned forward to make her uncomfortable. She leaned back and pushed me away.

"Personal space please?" She question asked with her hand on my chest. "I could say the same thing to you," I said looking down at her hand.

"Oops sorry" She took it off and looked down at the poster fidgeting with her pencil. "Don't be sad, I know I'm good looking and touchable" I said with a cocky smile.

"Oh shut up!" She pushed me back more making us both laugh. "Ok, I think we're finished!" Roni smiles putting her hands on her hips.

"Yes! Let's go get Nessa then head back here for Lauren"

"Sounds like a plan!"


Unknown POV

Walking to the locker rooms, I notice Y/N and one of the twins on the bleachers. Being I couldn't tell them apart, I didn't think of anything until I heard Y/N shout Veronica's name.

I'm pretty sure that she's dating Vanessa so, being the good person I am, I took a couple of pictures to show her girlfriend.

I got two really good pictures that were perfect. They were kissing I think, Veronica had her hand on Y/N's chest and they were leaning forward.

The other one Veronica was leaning forward towards Y/N and she looked like she was admiring her. I closed my phone and quickly walked to the library where Vanessa was earlier.

I had to hurry because Y/N and Veronica were heading to the library. I took a detour to get there fast enough but by the time I got to the library, the two girls were already there.

To keep this anonymous, I texted Vanessa the images. I'm sure she doesn't have my name in her phone so this should work.

With in the next 10 seconds, Vanessa's phone lit up. I smirked and walked out of the library.

Hey guys, sorry it is so short, I promise I'll make the next one longer!

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