#18 "selfcare part II"

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(arizonas pov)

I was the first waking up so I decided to make myself a coffee and listened to a podcast. It was around 8am i guess. I hope my girl will be okay when she's awake and I hope Amy feels better. I didn't really know what was going on but I don't wanna ask her again right away today, maybe this triggers her too much. April is such a good best friend, she literally helps you when you call her at night. I appreciate her so so much. I sat on the windowsill with my blanket... Giving her a good morning kiss seems right to me, but there is Amy laying next to her... but does that bother me? I don't think so to be honest. I went to the living room again and bent me over her head. My hair stroked her cheek and she woke up slowly. She seemed to be very tired though and didn't opened her eyes properly. “Baby? Wanna get up?” I asked her. She just weakly tried to pull me closer. and I snuggled up to her. My head layed on her chest and she stroked my hair, but basically stopped after 2 seconds because she was about to fall asleep again. “I think that's a no isnt it baby?” I whispered but she did'nt noticed me anymore. Amelia was still sleeping too so I tried to relax a little. This day is gonna be super chilled and i guess we all are not gonna do much today. Our little selfcare thingy from yesterday continues and I hope we are all feeling okay today.

(amelias pov)

I just layed there staring at the ceiling. I wiped the tear away that began to roll down my cheek. I don't wanna cry again, I really don't. Some days just start so so awful you wanna go right back to sleeping. I don't have enough energy to stand up so I just layed there. April was still sleeping and layed there cuddled up with her love. They are so so cute and I'm so glad they realized they love each other. 

Link asked me out and I said yes, I have a date, is it a date? Or just a meeting between colleauges? Maybe ill have what they have soon. Anyways I'm a little bit exited to meet him but first I need to tell April and Arizona, when they will wake up at some point.

„Good morning Az“ I waved to her and she yawned. „oh my god I'm so tired, I need coffee“

„Same here... same. Anyway you probably wondering why I'm even at your apartment. Basically I had a rough day and I needed April you know. I don't know if I wanna get into that so much again but shortened: I have had a similar calamity as April... She had Samuel and I had Christopher you know...“ „Oh i get it... but I know I can't do anything you know. I don't wanna babble some wanna be motivational quotes so... I just hope you feel better today and I know it may sound ridiculous but you can always talk to me and I'll help you if you need anything“ „yeah. Thank you, really. I spread my arms indicating a hug and she smiled. She is one of the persons where I know she doesn't just say this but she means it. „Coffee?“ She gave April a kiss and I followed her to the kitchen. I feel a little better right now but I know that deep inside I still feel the void. Maybe I should go to a meeting, but I kind of don't want but I have to. Arzona and I were drinking our coffee and eating breakfast „What are your plans for today?“ „I don't know yet, probbably taking a shower when I get home and then I need to go to a meeting. I have a date after tomorrows shift though“ I told her and right in that moment April came in.

(aprils pov)

I needed much sleep today wow. Tonight was exhausting and I don't mean Amy, I'm glad she came to me. I came to the kitchen. Amy seemed happier but that could be fake. She is very unpredicteable with her emotions. „Morning y'all“ „Did you sleep well?“ „nah... not really i guess“ I gave Amy a little hug and then I went to Az „Why?“ Arizona looked so worried. „I don't know I had a nightmare or something“ „Oh girl this sucks... I can relate so much“ Amy gave me a bowl of cereals. „It became better once you came to me.“ I gave her a forehead kiss. „Apes, Amy is dating.“ Az was so exited about it it's so cute. I looked at Amy, who just took a zip of her coffee. „Who is it? I'm curious“ „Dr. Lincoln is it.“ she grinned. „Oh my god you have to tell me everything.“ she nodded. Then her smile faded and she stared into her mug. I know Amy enogh I knew what happened to her right now, at least kind of. „Amy should I come with you today?“ I spoke quiet. „No... no it's okay. I'm just gonna leave you guys now I'm sorry.“ Az stands up „Amelia don't be sorry okay.“ I brought her to the door. Hopefully she really goes to the aa-meeting and don't get any dumb ideas.

Tomorrow the hospital life begins and I'm not hyped at all.

We didn't do much today so we went to bed early because we basically have to be at the hospital at 5am.

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