#19 " the or is my drug"

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(arizonas pov)

I walked down the hallway with April. We had shift together today. “How are you feeling today?” “Tired as fuck” “I know... same honey” Jackson came around the corner. God I swear if he does say something now. Okay breath Az breath. Apes seemed so tense seeing him.

“heey, can I talk to you April?” “Jackson...”

(aprils pov)

“jackson” I interrupted Arizona “after surgery okay. Come to the on-call room in the plastics floor.” he nodded and passed us. “Do you really want to talk to him?” “yeah I mean he deserves to know and maybe he stops annoying me so much all the time...” “okay... I don't know if it's the best idea though” “I hope it's gonna be okay” I put my hair in a pigtail. I get nervous so easily. I hate it so much, especially right before surgery. “I'm waiting for you” Az told me as she went to a patients room for the morning round.

I put on my scrub and took a deep breath as soon as I was entering the OR my mind was clear and I felt the energy floating trough my body. Operating really is a bit like taking drugs daily. The surgery went well, it was nothing complicated so I finished after 3 hours.

Deep down inside I didn't really wanted to talk with Jackson but I have to... I slowly went upstairs trying not to get too nervous.

Jackson already approached me halfway and we went in the on-call room to have some privacy. I rather want to be with Arizona now...

(arizonas pov)

I waited for April to go home with her... I hope the conversation was okay.

15 minutes later she walked down the stairs to the big to the main entrance of the hospital. I'm sitting in the waiting area. As soon as I saw her I stood up and almost ran to her. She gave me a big hug and kissed my cheek. I didn't really her a lot today and I'm just now realizing how much I missed her. Heyyy, dinner?” she put on her beanie it's super cold today.

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