♧The Invitation 3♧

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(A message from author Yae)

♡Happy Reading ;)♡

Vanon's POV

Today is my day off so I have all the time to myself. Usually, people would feel happy about it because they can rest or other sorts of reasons. But if you ask me.......

THE FUCK WOULD I VE HAPPY?!?!? THERE'S LITERALLY NOTHING TO DO!! It's boring, I can't go to mall not because I don't have any money but because it's too crowded and I don't want to. Play video games? I already played 9147291 times each of these games and it's not challenging anymore. I have a 83 books and I read them all already. To think that this day off would last until tomorrow, I'll go crazy thinking how boring it would be.

When will my life be interesting?

I was still in bed and it's 7:00 in the morning. I'm so stressed thinking that I don't have something to do in this house this whole freaking day. I'm not used to doing nothing. I'm done cleaning my house the other day too.

Since it's morning, I have my little buddy here between my legs doing a standing ovation. I know what you're thinking, you expect me to rub myself . Well, I don't do that. I stopped doing it when I was in high school, I don't know why but it doesn't feel good anymore like the first time I've done it. Some of you might think it's impossible to hold it back but believe me, I did.

Right next to me was Gay, my dog. He is a siberian husky and he sleeps on my bed with his fluffy fur and cute face. He's currently sleeping right now. I rubbed his ear and he opened his eyes.

"Good morning, Gay" I greeted as I stroked his face.

He licked my face several times before leaving the bed and wildly rush his way downstairs.

I too slowly get out of bed and watch myself in the mirror all naked (I sleep naked tho). If there's something I admire so much in my body, I really love to flex my legs. They're the most beautiful part of my freaking body. They're long and somehow they look like a girl's.

I took a bath, changed into my simple house attire and went downstairs. Gay is nowhere to be found and I guess he's playing outside. I went to the kitchen and decided I'll be eating bacon and sausages.


I turned around to see Tamia running and jumped on me.

"My ghad woman! You scared the shit out of me" I said to her while she's hugging me so tight.

"WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A VACATION!!!" she squeled in excitement.

"Out of the country?" I asked.

"DAMN BITCH YEAH! They're getting along these days."

"I'm happy for you, you should enjoy it" I smiled and placed my beacon and sausage in the table.

We talked about how she noticed her mother and father's quarrel wasn't often as usual, how they got along with each other and how they started to be sweet towards each other. And now, they're going to a family vacation. I couldn't believe at first but miracles are not impossible to happen. Her wished was granted.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay all by yourself? I'll be out for two weeks." She asked in a worried tone.

"You have the guts to ask that? First of all I got used in living alone. Second, I can take care of myself. And third, It's not like I would die if you're not around, I'm an adult. Don't rant me about you waking me up in the morning, the thing called "alarm clock" is quite popular nowadays" I sound annoyed.

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