♧The Invitation 7♧

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(Please Read Me T^T!)

    Yup! I did my promise that I'll update as fast as I can to make it up to ya'll UwU. Anyways, I'm writting another book (still BL) and I let my friends read it and said it was amazing and that I should publish it but I'm still trying to focus on finishing this book so I'm kinda hasitant. Me and my friends made a deal that if this book reaches 1k reads then I'm gonna publish it. Sooo thaattt'sss ittt!! I just shared the info incase if ya'll interested >~< Thanks for lending me your time ♡◇♡ Love lots!

(Happy Reading!♡◇♡)

Vanon's POV

I woke up with my hips feeling like it's gonna rip off of my body. When I opened my eyes, I was then faced by an unfamiliar ceiling.

'Why does my bed feel so good?'

I turned to the side in which I saw a handsome figure of man in his untied bathrobe. I sat up out of shock. Suddenly, I remembered what happened yesterday and my face started to heat up. I put my palms on my face reflecting of what I did.

'Why do I remember things!?!? Even though I'm just a little drunk, I SHOULDN'T REMEMBER ANYTHING!. I even remember the slightest details like how he licked my-..... OMYGHAD!"

I feel him move that almost gave me a heart attack. Luckily, he's still in a deep sleep.

'I need to get out of here'

I hurriedly got out of bed only to meet the floor. I can't even stand up properly because my hips are killing me. I'm very thankful that that Hamilton is a deep sleeper. I'd rather break my hips than to wake him up and find me still in here. I got up slowly and grabbed my underwear and slocks then I put them on me. My suit has some white stain on it (refering to semen tho) but I'm grateful my suit is white too so it's barely visible. I saw my car keys on his table, grabbed it, went straight out of the door and to the elevator. I don't care what I look right now. I just need to get out of here as soon as possible.

As soon as the elevator door slide open, I tried myself to walk normally despite the condition of my hips which kind of slows me down because I can't afford people seeing me walk like I have some sort of limb length discrepancy. I went straight to my car, start the engine and drive as fast as I could away from the place which can remove my will of living.

When I got to my apartment, I somehow calmed a little. I want to clean myself so I went to the shower. We all agree that one of the best place to think and make decisions is in the shower, guess what? I'm doing it right now. I was screaming mentally thinking how stupid I am for being a party crasher, for losing my keys, for staying at Mr. Hamilton's place and generally, for messing with that Adam Canen Hamilton! I can't believe it! My first time was with a man!!! Well, as if I could do it with women but still!! I feel so ashamed of myself!What am I gonna tell to Tamia?? This is so embarrassing...

After a while of thingking about my stupidity, I decided I'll just forget about it all since it's just an accident. I was a bit drunk and it's impossible for the host himself not to drink. So, it's all the influnce of alcohol. I'm pretty sure he'll be disgusted the very moment he'll wake up. Anyways, it's not like we'll meet again (0.007% probability) and I won't go back to that hotel again so it's fine as hell. Let us all forget-

I stopped the conversation with myself because I feel my legs tremble as white liquid oozes out of my ass.


I've read many BL novels before so I'm a little bit knowledgeable about this (not sure if they're true tho), never would have thought that I'll be experiencing it in real life. I just need to scrape it out right?

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