♧The Invitation 11♧

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(A message from author Yae)

♡Happy Reading ;)♡

Vanon's POV

A few days after the incident, I was slowly recovering from the stress thanks to the people supporting me. I'm starting to plan for a new start. I convice myself that everything happens for a reason. So, I decided to stop dwelling at it and move forward. 

When I arrived at the front of the cafe, I was confused. It was supposed to be open at this time of the day. Jeff arrived the same time as me and wore the same confused face I am making.

"What's this? A late opening?" asked Jeff.

"I don't know, it never happened before" I answered.

We went inside together and there was Luke, Don, Jessa and........ the owner?....... I don't know but I can feel something's wrong about this.

"Uhm.... did we open and closed the door so slowly that ya'll didn't noticed us entering?" Jeff trying to brighten up the mood.

They turned their heads to us and we greeted each other as well as the owner. The owner said he has a very important matter to tell us. I wonder how important this matter is that we have to open our cafe later than usual.

"I never expected this to happen and I'm deeply sorry to all of you. You've been managing and working well to this cafe....... I really appreciate it. But I'm having financial problems and I don't have a choice but to sell this place. For now, I still couldn't find any buyer but I wanted to tell you all in advance. I know it's too sudden but I hope you will understand me and my decisions. I never expected this to happen too I-" the owner tried to stop his tears from falling.

We were shocked but the owner's reaction says it all that he's in deep trouble and he didn't really want to do this in the first place. We're sad to hear all this but we all don't have any choice. We need to understand and accept the situation.

After we're all settled, the owner said his goodbye and left with guilt in his eyes. We opened our store trying to act lively despite the bad news we heard.

"I..... I never thought that this day would come. I love working here with ya'll" I said to Jeff while I flipped the sign from close to open.

"Yeah.... me too. I think I'll start to find a new job sooner. My grandmother is sick and I need to provide her medicine" Jeff smiled sadly wiping the table.

I looked down. Jeff needs money for his grandmother, manager has to provide his young daughter's needs all alone, Luke was supporting his younger siblings' studies, Jessa has debts to pay and me, I'm trying to recover my loss from the fire. If there's anything I can do........... I badly wanted to help them but I can't do anything.

After our working hours, we went our separate ways to go home. As for me, I feel like drinking today so I stopped to a famous bar. The owner was my friend so I also decided to pay him a visit.

I went inside and it's not that surprising that the place is really crowded but I really want to grab a drink.

"Van! It's bee a while since the wind brought you here. I heard what happened to you, I'm sorry" he said tapping my shoulder.

"Well, there are also other shitty things that happened to me. Guess bad luck took its time messing up my life good. But anyways, it's good to see you Niel. Mind if I grab a drink?"

"You know you can always grab whatever you want here for FREE. It's also nice to see your gay-ass around here." we both chuckled.

"You better not drink too much Van. God knows how maniac and shameless you are when you're drunk" he added.

I made my way grabbing my drink while Niel excused himself because the bar is crowded than usual and he has things to take care of. I sat on a couch in the corner of the bar  watching drunk people lose their mind dancing to the music.

I sigh. I lost my property, I'm about to lose my job, I'm broke and I couldn't help my co-workers whom I considered as a family. With all this, I have all the reason to get drunk tonight.


I couldn't remember how many bottles I drank but right now, my head is spinning and everywhere I look seems like I'm about to have a trip to Narnia.

Damn, I'm so drunk.

I feel so dizzy that I want to just lay on the ground and just apologize to Niel tomorrow for the trouble.

That's when I felt someone sat beside me and saw a familiar figure. A handsome and hot figure to be exact.

"You're state right now Vanon is worse than the time we first met" he looked at me with those sharp eyes as he drinks his alcohol without breaking our eye contact.

I giggled. He's so handsome.

"How funny, did I miss you so much that I started hallucinating about you?" I laughed. I'm starting to lose my mind.

Adam's POV

"How funny, did I miss you so much that I started hallucinating about you?" He started laughing.

I find him entertaining when he's drunk.

"You missed me?" I asked as I shove the bottles of alcohol away from him.

"Yesh, of coursh I deyd. I wanted to shee you sho I could punsh you right in the feysh" he pointed at me and I chuckled.

"What made you so drunk today?" when I asked that question, he looked down quietly.

"I-I'm so...... useless. I'm broke, I lost my property, I'm also about to lose my job and I can't do anything to help my co-workers. A multimillionaire man like you wouldn't understand" he started crying that his snot starts to run down his nose. I don't know why but I really love his face when he cries.

I gave him some tissue to wipe it out and I listened to all his rants. While I was having a good time watching him act like a child, a sudden idea came up to me.

"I hate my-"

"Then how about I offer you something" I looked at him seriously and he looked at me with his drunk eyes.

"*Hic*What offer?" he asked wiping his tears. I grabbed a paper and pen, wrote down my conditions and gave it to him.

"I'll give you money, I'll buy the cafe and I'll let your co-workers continue to work but in exchange, you need to serve me, cook for me and-" I was surprised when he suddenly signed the paper without letting me finish what I was saying or reading the entire paper.

He gave it to me and looked me in the eye saying, "I'm willing to do anything"

I smiled and kissed his forehead "Oh darling, that's what I'm about to say"

♧The Invitation 11 End♧

Hey guys! Heytz me Yae :). I'm so sorry for the very long and short update T^T. I was so busy at school and assisting to my mom's business so I didn't have the time to write or do the things I like T^T. Hoping for your kind consideration T^T.

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