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Waiting for Thanos was wiser said than done. Emil frowned and shuffled slightly. The tiny movement sent sand spilling from the metal platform that he and peter were crouched on. Emil watched as the grains tumbled down through the air, past the rest of the ruined structure of some long forgotten warship, to join the sand on the floor several feet below.


"My leg was itchy", Emil whispered back as Peter nudged him.

"Mr Stark said that Thanos could arrive any minute".

"Well he's not here yet. I can scratch my leg".

"What if he walks out and catches you scratching your leg huh?"

"Well the he would see me-"

"Will you two be quiet?" Hissed Mr Stark over the coms. Emil and Peter shut up and turned their attention back to the square.

It took a bit of waiting, but when Thanos arrived, it was slightly anticlimactic. A cloudy blue portal, much the same shade as Emil's teleports, opened within the air and a hulking purple humanoid walked through. He was easily bigger than any man that Emil had ever seen, with the body of a bodybuilder as well as the confident aura of someone not to be messed with. He was clothed in gold and silver armour, one hand covered in the golden gauntlet that Stark mentioned. Three stones, infinity stones sat across his knuckles.

Thanos walked forwards across the square until he could see where Dr Strange was sat upon stone steps above. He raised a huge hand to block his eyes from the sun as he assessed this new opponent.

"You're much more of a Thanos", Strange commented.

"It was beautiful", the Titan spoke. His voice was softer than Emil would have expected. "Titan was like most planets. Too little resources, too many mouths to feed. So I offered a solution".

"Genocide", Strange sated coldly.

"They called me a madman", Thanos continued.

"Who wants to murder trillions".

"With the stones I could just snap my fingers and it would be like they never existed", Thanos stared up at Strange with all the certainty of insanity. "I wouldn't call that murder. It would be mercy".

Strange stood up and held his fists out. He did a complicated gesture which made his magical symbols appear in the air. "You'll find that our will differs to yours". That was the signal.

"Our?" Thanos muttered. He looked up in time to watch as Ironman crashed half of a wrecked warship on his head. As Stark flew back, a purple light  disintegrated the wreckage and turned it into a cloud of birds which immediately attacked Stark.

Peter chose that moment to swing by, Emil hot on his heels. He hit Thanos in the face with a web, blocking his vision, as he swung. The moment allowed for Emil to teleport in and land a solid kick to Thanos' nose before flipping over his back and disappearing.

Emil landed next to Peter behind a ruined ship. Back in the square, the guardians with the help of strange launched their own attacks as Peter and Emil waited for their signal. Emil took the moment to press a kiss through their masks to Peter's cheek. "Let's get him", he grinned as Strange's magic portal flared into existence.

Peter jumped through to appear behind Thanos. "Magic!" He yelled as he kicked him in the jaw and disappeared into another portal.

"Boo!" Emil greeted as he popped into existence and landed a matching kick on the opposite side of Thanos' jaw. His disappeared before he could turn.

"More Magic!" Peter appeared, kicked him in the shoulder and flipped over his head, then disappeared.

"Take that!" Emil landed on his shoulders and elbowed Thanos in the eye before vanishing.

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