Thirty four

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Emil blinked open dry eyes. They flitted, unfocused, around the blurring bright lights of the room. Something shifted at his side. Two hands clasped around one of his. The warmth a grounding point. Emil blinked again as the world swam into focus.  He was bare chested. Bandages wrapped around his ribs and there was the tight feeling of stitches on his forehead. His left wrist was splinted, and from the stiffness of his foot, his right leg was as well.

White and earth coloured walls, open sun filled windows showing a lush green landscape. People littered the large room. Some were the row of large white beds facing the windows opposite. Others were sat on various sofas and armchairs around the room. Many more just opted to stand.

"Hey", a voice breathed softly. Emil turned to face Peter, who was sitting in a leather armchair beside his bed. The brown haired boy was clean and had his wounds bandaged. A pair of butterfly strips covered a cut on his cheek and his lip was split. He smiled worriedly at Emil, face unsure and nervous. "How are you feeling?"

Emil groaned and Peter laughed softly. "That's such a mood", Shuri commented as she came to stand at Peter's side. The princess was dressed in her usual white style, hair pulled up. Her fingers danced along the holo screen of her wrist computer as she examined Emil's injuries.

Emil looked around the room again. They must be in Wakanda. Several avengers were around, getting their wounds treated by medics or discussing in small groups. He spotted Bucky and Steve standing near the windows in a deep conversation. Scott and Clint were on the beds getting cuts treated. Dr Strange was with several other wizards in another corner, issuing instructions. T'Challa and Okyote were standing next to each other by Bruce's bed. Bruce's large green frame taking up at lest three single beds by himself. Wanda was there. Her, Rhodes, and Sam were all on beds murmuring in low voices.

Emil yelped as Shuri's palm collided with the back of his head. He looked at her in surprise as she huffed. "That's for ruining my suit", she growled. "Five years Emil! Five! During that time you get put in a coma, Frozen, travel through time, overload yourself with he infinity stones, then fight in a war!" Her voice go steadily louder, drawing the attention of the room. She raised her hands up in the air with a exasperated scoff. "Do you want to get yourself killed or something?"

Emil winced and turned pleading eyes to Peter. The brown haired boy was clutching his hand tightly, eyes wide and sad. Emil watched as tears began welling up. "Captain America, I mean Steve, and Dr Strange told us what happened. Oh god Emil", his voice broke and he began crying. "You had three broken ribs, burns up half your chest, a fractured wrist, fractured leg and a concussion. It was so scary".

Emil felt his own emotions clog up his throat. This wasn't a dream. They were really here. He reached out as Peter surged up. They caught each other in a desperate hug, clinging as they both sobbed. He pulled Peter onto the bed at his side. The shorter boy sprawling over the sheets in a mess of limbs. "I missed you so much", Emil gasped as he buried his face into Peter's hair. He reached out with one of his hands and caught Shuri's. She relaxed with a soft noise, anger fading at the sight of his tears. She intertwined their fingers, squeezing reassuringly.

Bucky and Steve had heard Shuri's loud voice. They crossed the room to the group of crying teens. Bucky ducking around Shuri's and Emil's joined hands to press a kiss against Emil's hair. His thumb rubbing soothing circles against Emil's temple. Emil, surrounded by his friends and family after so long, began crying harder. Relief and happiness mixing with all the grief and pain he had been feeling. The conflicting emotions at war in his head. Nat's and Tony's presences a still gaping wound that stung, despite the joy.

"Peter", T'Challa said as he came to stand next to Steve. Peter's crying had faded into small sniffles. "Your aunt has been found a picked up. She's on a plane here at the moment and will be here in a few hours". Peter pulled away. He turned and lay back on the bed, arm wrapped around Emil's back. He nodded as he rested his head against Emil's shoulder.

"Thank you Mr T'challa". The man gave a kind smile before stepping back. Shuri gave Emil's hand a tug. She let go and followed her brother, staying within eyesight but giving them space.

"It's good to see you son", Bucky said soothingly. He ruffled Emil's hair fondly.

Emil gasped in a deep breath as he willed his sobs to cease. He didn't release his tight hold around Peter's waist. "Can we have a moment?" Peter asked, voice firm. Normally he'd be a excited stuttering mess when talking to his hero's. But this was not the time to fanboy. Steve nodded. He spared them a understanding look before walking over to talk to Clint. Bucky pressed another kiss to Emil's hairline before stepping over to join Sam.

Peter waited until they had a semblance of privacy. He tugged on Emil's shoulders, being careful to avoid the blue lightning scars across the right side of Emil's chest. They both lay down on the single medical bed. It was surprisingly comfortable and the two boys were used to sharing a single bed. The familiar feeling was so nostalgic that Emil almost crumbled again. Peter rested his forehead against Emil's.

"I am so sorry Emil", he sighed. "If I could have been the one to stay"-

"No", Emil cut him off. "It's alright. You don't need to say anything. I made my choices". Peter fell into a short silence as he thought.

"So how old are you now? It's been five years but Steve said that you were frozen".

"About seventeen? Eighteen? I don't know". Emil closed his eyes to savour the feeling of Peter's touch. He had really, really missed him. "Never really knew in the first place anyway".

Peter laughed breathily, and slightly frustratedly. "Well, we definitely need to catch up".

Emil opened his eyes and stared at him. It must be so confusing to wake up and find that five years had past. "I have a lot of stories to tell you", he promised. "But later please".

Peter ran his hand over Emil's cheek. He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. Emil let his eyes flutter back closed at the feeling, allowing himself to relax. "I'm so sorry", he muttered. Now that Peter was here, the tension was killing him. So much had changed. To Peter it must have been a few seconds. To Emil, it was a year. To the world it was five years.

"What are you apologising for?" Peter asked, equally as quiet.

"It can't go back to being the same. I kept holding on to these memories of you and everyone before the snap. But it can't go back to being the same. I can't go back to school. I am not the same person you left. I'm sorry but I'm not"-

"It's okay", it was Peter's turn to cut Emil off. "You have been through so much. Of course you would be different. I am so proud of you. Let's just take this slow, okay? Figure this out".

"I still love you", Emil whispered. Peter's face lit up with a soft smile.

"I love you too".

"You still need a haircut". Peter snorted. Emil began giggling. Peter tried to quieten his laughter behind his hand. He caught Emil's sniggers, bright blue eyes crinkled in humour. Peter paused at the sight. He pressed forwards and caught Emil's mouth with his. Emil stopped and sighed deeply, body relaxing. Slowly, he began kissing back.

After a long minute, Peter pulled back. "Let's wait till Aunt May gets here. How about you get some sleep?" Emil nodded and nuzzled his face against Peter's collar bones.

"Don't go?" He asked, tightened his hold briefly. Peter shushed him gently, hand running through his hair.

"I'm not going anywhere again. I promise".


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