Chapter 1

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I groaned as i heard my alarm ringing annoyingly. Thats mean i had to get up and ready for school. SCHOOL. I hated school for some reason not because of the lessons or the teachers but going to school meaning i had to face my no.1 'fight buddies' but at the same time i love school so that i could laughing and gossiping with my one and only bestfriend, Zayn. Thats right..i only had one friend i can rely on. Poor me, huh?

I grabbed the alarm on my night stand and switched it off. Jumped out of the bed, i entered the bathroom that connected to my bedroom to take a quick shower. After i finished showering, i picked up the best clothes i could wear since i was not that good in choosing outfit. Just a simple blue t-shirt and black tight jeans with a pair of Converse. Looks great on me?

I walked downstairs and went straight into the kitchen just to see my mom flipping a pancake. I sneaked behind her and kissed her cheek. She gasped in surprise almost hit me with the spatula she was holding.

"G'morning,mom." I greeted her quickly.

" scared me. I don't hear your steps at all," she said while turning off the stove then put the last pancake on the plate.

"That's because i'm light as feather," i replied jokingly. She chuckled.

"Pancakes?" I nodded immediately. She shoved the plate of pancakes to me. I took it and sat down at the kitchen counter.

I ate my pancakes quietly, watching my mom grabbing a corton of milk and orange juice out from the fridge. She then set two drinking glass in front of me. "Do you want milk or juice?"

"Milk. Thanks,mom." She smiled at me, slowly poured a milk into my glass and the juice for her.

"Be ready in 15 minutes. I'll send you to school." I just nodded enjoying every bites of my breakfast.


Our ride to my school is completely silent. I was not in the mood to talk since i had to see my worst enemy very soon today. Just thinking about that jerk make me wanna throw up.

I guess my silence explained why mom kept glaring at me every second, whenever she got a chance.

"What?" I asked her irritatedly.

"Nothing. You've been so quiet. Is everything alright?"

"Yes. Everything is fine. It just..Monday?" I shrugged.

"Not your favourite day, i see."

"Yeah. Kind of.." I looked out the window then it became silent again until we reached my school a few minutes later.

She dropped me off in the sideway. She kissed my forehead before i got out from the car. I waved her goodbye and waited until she drove off out of my sight.

I turned around looking for my best mate, Zayn in the crowd of students but instead of my friend, i saw someone else that ruin my mood this morning. He was leaning against the entrance door, both hands in his jeans pockets searching for someone. His eyes followed every figure that passing him. "What the fuck is he doing here this early?" I muttered under my breath. I found it very odd that he was early because he usually showed up after lunch break. None of my business anyway.

I ran quickly (before he could see me) to the nearest tree to avoid him. You see, everytime we met each other we would always ended up fighting and since it was still early in the morning, meeting him was not a good choice to start a day. I never wanted to meet him in the first place so why bother showing my face to him? Now i just have to wait for the first bell to ring.

Five minutes of waiting, finally the school bell rang loudly. I could hear the students rushing in to the school building. I waited for a few more second before i peeked behind the tree just to make sure that enemy of mine is also in. I sighed in relief when i was too confident that nobody outside besides of me.

I was just about to make a move when suddenly a tall lad blocking my way made me bumped into his hard chest. I slowly looked up to see who was the guy. My eyes widened when i saw my fight buddies, towering me.

He smirked evilly to me. "Think you can get away from me, Horan?"


So, how is it guys? The first boring chapter ? Is it good? Or is it bad? Am i messed up or something? Oh, i think i english is totally bad. Sorry guys.😣
If some of you don't understand my writing please let me know. I'll try everything to fix it. Please don't hate me.😭😭😭😭

Comment.(no hate comment please)
And maybe..


Suddenly Married (Narry)-DISCONTINUEDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz