Chapter 14

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Harry took Thomas out again.

I glanced at my wrist watch that showed it was already 00:34am.

I pacing nervously in the living room. Waiting for Harry and Thomas to come home. It was already late and they were not home yet. I was worried sick thinking about them. What if something happen to them? Where are they for fuck sak—

The front door opened just in time. Stepped in was Harry with Thomas that already dozed off in his firm arms. Thomas head rested on his shoulder.

"Where have you been?" I approached him, my tone came out higher than i intended to. He didn't answer but instead he put his index finger over his lip-shushing me-signing me to slow down my voice. We didn't want to wake Thomas up. I slapped a hand over my mouth. Not trusting my mouth to talk until Thomas was away because i couldn't control my voice from being loud- not that, you dirty mind.

Harry walked past me and went directly to Thomas's room. Ignoring my existence for a few second. After he closed the boy's room door he came back to the living room, where i stood waiting for him to answer me.

"Where have you been?" I repeated the question.

"I believe it's not one of your business."

Oh, no. I think i know where this talk lead us to. And i didn't like where this was going. With my mood swing as a pregnant man, i had a gut that this is not gonna end well. You see, pregnant person could be very...emotional and very angry sometimes.

"What do you mean not my business? Of course it's my business since you took my son out to- for god knows where- and get home at this hour."

"We were having fun. It's not a big deal. Besides, he needed some distractions from what's going on between us. I sent him to my mom for an hours after that."

"What for? Ouh—so you can snog that Louis again for an hour, huh?" I asked sarcastically matter of fact that i actually jealous.

"What if i said- yes?" He smirked.

My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe he said that. I think that my heart shredded to million pieces. Was i really agreed to marry him?

"You- you are not my husband, you an arsehole. You know that? You can go fuck yourself for all i care."

He laughed mockingly. "You don't have to worry about that. I have a better plan for that." He gave me his best smirked. Again.

My eyes wide opened. Was he for real? He didn't mean to—

I stared at him knowingly. Did he said that just to break my heart or did he said that because he meant it?

"Don't look at me like that. Whatever you think, you're thinking correctly. Nice plan, isn't it?" He grinned. Evil grin, i told you.

"So you're planning to— Louis?" I mumbled. More to myself actually. But he heard it because the next thing, he said something that really got into my nerves.

He sighed and rolled his eyes, "Of course not, you idiot. What were you thinking? I'm not a fucking cheater. Unless if you want me to, i'll gladly be the one. " That was so.. Mean. I just couldn't take what he just said. Why he had to be a jerk?

How could he did that to me?

This is a guy that i crazy for 7 years ago? My tears dropped to the floor as well as my heart. The pain that i felt in my heart was underrated. I really hate the guy in front of me right now.

But i couldn't truly hate him because i undeniable, madly in love with him. Despite of what he said, what he did, i couldn't just hate him. Because i believed, there must be a reason why i was crazy for him.

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