Chapter 6

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As the time goes by, i slowly accepting this whole thing. Maybe it was not as bad as i thought. I still had a life to live. Still had a caring and lovely friends waiting for me. At least they are the reason i live for. I shouldn't just give up like that. My mom would hate that, i tell you. The time will past and everything will back to normal. Hopefuly.

It was a week after Liam left and i still on the bed. I've never been so bored in my entire life because literally, my 'lovely husband' not allowed me to get off of the bed accept for a bathroom.

"You need to rest properly." That's what he said. It's not that i broke my leg or something. Jeez..

Styles was going nowhere and i stucked in this unfamiliar room. I got bored and really need to go somewhere in this house. Slowly, i removed the duvet that covered half of my body. I jumped out of the bed, tip toeing to the door. I just placed my hand at the door knob when i heard a footsteps coming closer. Quickly i ran back to the bed, covered myself up pretended like nothing happen. I didn't know why i did that and i didn't want to get scolded, you know?

The door slightly opened and Styles stepped in with a tray of food in his hands. Thank god..'cause my stomach starting a concert.

"Hey," he greeted me.

"H- hi," i responded and it had to come out nervously.

He squinted his eyes looking at me suspiciously. "You don't leave your bed, aren't you?"

"No!! Of course not." My forehead was sweating and i hope he didn't notice that. Why am i so scared? He not gonna kill me if i leave the bed. Right?

"Alright. I hope you don't go outside this bedroom because i'm working on something important." long as you don't kill me, whatever. "Hungry?" He asked.

"Starving," he chuckled listening to my answer. He then stepped closer and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I want you to take your medicine after you eat, okay?" I nodded. "Want me to feed you?"

"Thanks but my hands still working," he nodded. He put the tray on my lap carefully. I started to dig in since my stomach won't stay quiet. First bite was a heaven. I had to admit that he was a good cook.

"So, this is your house? And your room?" I asked him.

"It's our house."

"Our house? Like, you and i's house? We live together?"

"Yup. And this is our bedroom." I widen my eyes. Looking at him, disbelief.

"We shared a room too?"

"Of course. We're husband and husband, duh.." he said mockingly. I rolled my eyes at him.

Oh- yeah. I forgot about that. There were nothing to worry about. Right? I mean, should i trust him? I didn't know either. There was so many questions in my head that i need to ask him.

Mostly..i was curious about something since we were married and all. But that something would be humiliating for me to ask. Scratch that. I'll ask him.

"Uhm- hey..can i ask you something? I need to know if we- uhm- if we- you know-"

"Niall, can you just straight to the point? I won't bite you." His lips stretched upwards to one side.

I released a deep breath and staring down at the food on my lap then looked up to his face.

Just ask him, Niall. He won't mind.


"You said that this is our room. That's mean both of us, me and you, slept together. On the same bed. Right?"

Suddenly Married (Narry)-DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now