Chapter 5

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"Can you hear me, mate?" I groaned after hearing that. I opened my eyes to see a stranger in front of me. He must be Liam that Styles talking about. I lifted my body from laying to sit up. Styles tried to help me by pushing me with his palm on my back. Another hand holding my arm.

"What happen?" I asked.

"You collapsed, babe. Liam is here to make sure you're alright." Styles told me, patting my shoulder.

"Yeah, mate. How are you feeling?" Was the thing Liam asked me. I eyed him from head to toe. He seems like a nice guy. Cute too. And hot. And handsome. Maybe i should get his number after this.

Styles cleared his throat. I snapped my head to him. I raised my brows and he shot me with a death glare. Oh, i forgot that i'm a married man. According to him.

I rolled my eyes. "Like a shit," i said and they both chuckled. What's so funny? I'm telling the truth.

"What?" Their chuckles annoyed me and i had to stop them.

"Nothing. So, Liam. What's wrong with him? Nothing serious, right?" Styles voice turned to concern.

"Oh- yeah..well, i have a bad news. You once told me that he got hit by a car few years ago and his head injured right, Harry? Apparently, his head banged on the exact same spot like he did in the accident. His brain vibrate a little, disturbing his memories line. I dare to say that Nialler had amnesia- uhm- lost his memories but don't worry, nothing serious happen. I guaranteed that. Remember the CT scans we did on him? Here's the details." Liam explained as simple as he could to make both me and Styles understand. Styles just nodded his head mean while i still living in confusion. Liam grabbed a large brown envelope from his bag that he brought with him and gave it to Styles.

He opened the envelope, pulled out a piece of paper and read it carefully. He nodded his head slightly whilst pursing his lips into a thin line. His eyes back to Liam after that. I just watched them silently.

"So, will he back to normal soon?"

"Uhm- i'm not sure. It's depends on him. Just keep doing all the activities you often did with him. Maybe it can help bring back all the memories to him."

Oh, how cliche. I always heard that on tv.

Liam crossed his arms, looked at my direction. "So, i have a few questions to ask you. But if you find it hard to answer don't push yourself, yeah?" He asked.  I nodded.

"First question. Do you realize that you are married?"

"Is that possible? I mean, i'm still in high school, duh. Who got married at 17? You tell me." They both shared a glance.

"Okay then, what is the last thing you remember before you woke up?"

"Well, i'm running away from Styles be- because he caught me taking a picture of him- and his boyfriend- Louis i think? Snogging." My eyes avoided Styles. I let the rest untold.

"That was 7 years ago." Styles interupted. His cheeks flushed red. "-this is embarassing," he palmed his face. "- and he's not my boyfriend." I ignored his last statement. Tried to.

"If he is not your boyfriend, then why you kissed him?" I asked him.

Wow. My tone was different.

"You sounds jealous." Liam stated.

Did i?

"It's okay to be jealous, love." Styles winked at me jokingly. I sticked out my tongue as a reply.

"I'm not jealous. I don't care who you want to kiss. Just curious s'all."

"Whatever you said, love. Continue, Liam."

Liam shrugged his shoulder glaring at him. "Same banged spot. I guess that explain why his memory back to when he was still in high school. But like i said nothing to worry about. Hopefully it just temporary."

Woah..7 years already past? What happen in that period of time? Did i finish high school? Did my mom-

'Your mom passed away two years ago.' That snapped into my mind.

My heart clenched and my eyes began to watery. I struggled to hold back my tears. So, it was true then. My mom was no longer in this world. I'm not dreaming or imagining things. You could say the day he dropped me off was the last day i saw her because i couldn't remember anything about seeing her after that day.

I was shaking.

My tears finally dripping down to my cheeks. I couldn't hold it anymore. It was stressful and hurt. Not be able to remember everything, just like we stuck in the dark. Not knowing anything. I hate that.

I need to remember something so that i could find myself. I couldn't let this eating me. Right?

"Baby,'s okay. You'll remember everything soon. I promise," Styles made his way to me once he noticed that i was crying. He wrapped his arms around me. I took the advantage to snuggle closer to him, sobbing on his chest. Ahh, vanilla. I recognised this cologne. I couldn't care less. It doesn't matter if he was my 'fight buddies' or what. I need someone to calm me down.

"So it's true. You're not lying about my mom." I voiced out my sadness to his ear.

"I'm really sorry, baby.."

I clutched his button-up shirt. That makes me feel better- at least that's what i thought. I felt safe and comfortable in his arm. I wanted to stay like this forever.

Or maybe not.

"I'll leave you two. If anything, be free to call me. I'll be around, yeah?"

"Ok. Thanks for everything, mate." Styles said. Still hugging me tightly.

"Nah- it's my job. I gotta go. Zayn probably waiting for me."


I pushed Styles' chest and sat up straight. I stopped sobbing right away. "Di-did you just sa-said Zayn?" I stuttered, wiping my tears with the back of my hand. Hoping that i was not wrong. My heart beating loudly. Zayn as in my bestfriend?

"Mhmm..want to see him? Oh-wait, i forgot to tell him that you're awake."

"How-" Styles cut me off before i could finish my sentence.

"You might be forget, babe..but Liam is Zayn's fiance. They will get married next year."

Oh. Okay...


Hey beautiful readers..i just gonna say that i'm sorry because 1)i know nothing about any medical situation. Yeah, i'm that kind of stupid. (Its my fanfic, i can write whatever i want. Mwahaha.. Sorry if i'm rude)  2)i ship ziam. 3)this chapter is short. 4)any mistake that i didn't notice. 5)boring as fook.

Readers, if you think my english need to be fix please let me know. In other hand, sorry for my broken english.

Comment.(no hate comment please)

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