Chapter 13

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I sat on the couch with Harry watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine. My legs was on top of his thighs and my back leaned against the arm rest. His hands massaging my foot with his own willing. We laughed when a hilarious scene played on the screen.

I rubbed my big 9 month belly gently. The doctor, Liam said that the baby would come out anytime soon and i should be ready. I couldn't wait to see my child. We haven't know the gender yet because we wanted it to be a surprise. It doesn't matter what the baby's gender is, we still gonna love him or her with all our heart.

The show ended too fast for my liking and my throat dry from laughing so hard. I going to get some water from the kitchen to fill my thirst. I removed my foot from Harry's thigh, placed it on the floor. I stood up slowly while i placed a hand on my back to support my spine bone from my heavy belly weight. I was about to walk off when Harry grabbed my wrist, made me stopped.

"Woah..where you think you're going? Sit down. You're carrying a baby. Let me do it for you, love. What do you need?" Harry said. Standing up as well.

"I'm going to drink some water and no, i can do it by myself. The doctor said i should move my body often so the baby come out easily."

"No. I will take it for you." He pushed my shoulder downwards so that i could sit down back.

"Well if you insist." I gave him a sweetest smile to him and peck his lip. He smiled back, returned a few kisses to me and disappeared to the kitchen.

I sat down comfortably with my legs stretched forward on the couch. Again, i rubbed my belly when i felt a slightly pain. Usually i would tried to ignore the pain and it will go away in a minute when i rubbed it, like the other day but the pain was getting stronger every second i rubbed it.

I continued to rubbed my belly hoping that it would ease the pain but no, it became worse that this time i couldn't take it anymore. My jaw opened wide and my brows scrunched. No voices coming out from my mouth because it was too much pain to handle. A silent scream.

Holding my belly, i tried to scream Harry's name only to come out like a whisper. I tried again but this time a little bit louder.

"H- Harry!" I screamed. Luckily, he heard me. He rushed out from the kitchen with a glass of water in his hand.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He leaved the water on the table, immediately running to me. He was panic i could tell.

"I- i think the baby is coming." I managed to say. Clutching my stomach, i screamed histerically when the pain i felt was extremely cross the line. Meaning, it was a super duper hurt like hell.

His eyes went wide. "Oh my god. W- what do i do? Going to hospital. Yes yes yes." He mumbling. He brought me to the car, not before he reached the key and we stormed out from our apartment, speeding to the nearest hospital.

When we arrived, i was transported into the operation room and the doctor injected me with two different injection- i didn't know what kind of drugs they put into me- made me numb enough to feel anything. They started to operate my belly thirty minutes after that. Soon, my eyes was heavy and i shut my eyes close. Like sleeping. Then i was unconcious and not aware of what happen in that room.

I was transfered to another room when i opened my eyes. My stomach stung because of the stitches after the operation and i couldn't move much. The sounds of baby crying filled my ears. I looked around and saw Harry was holding our child in his arms. One hand tried to feed the baby with a milk in the baby's bottle. But that doesn't stopping the baby's cry as the baby refused to drink the milk.

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