Chapter 15

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The weather next morning was very perfect to start a day. The sky has never been so blue from what i remembered and the sun peeking out behind the cloud made me more relaxed.

I was humming some song whilst making a breakfast in the kitchen. That was when i felt a pair of arms snaked around my waist and i knew it was Harry.

"Morning, love." He greeted and he kissed the back of my neck softly.

I smiled widely. "Morning. What do you want for breakfast?" I asked him even though i knew what he usually eat for breakfast. Just to make sure.

"You." He answered against my neck, his mouth still lingered on my skin. I just rolled my eyes.

"I'm not a bacon."

"Yes, you are. You're my bacon." He chuckled and i playfully smacked his shoulder.

"Papa, daddy.." Thomas sudden greeting made two of us jolted up. We both turned around to look at him, who was just woke up in his printed Spongebob pajama(Harry changed his clothes before we both went to sleep since he forgot to do it after they got home late last night). He rubbed his eyelids in order to keep his eyes open.

"Hey, bud. Come and eat your cereal." Harry invited him. He  joined us and sat on the chair beside Harry. After i finished prepared everything on the table i took a sit opposite of Thomas.

We all began to eating peacefully until Thomas pointed out something that made me froze.

"Papa, what is on your neck?"

"What? M-my neck?" My hands automatically covered around my neck, dropping everything what i was holding in my plate. I knew for the fact what was he actually asking. He must be asking about a purple-ish mark that Harry left last night.

Omg.. I forgot. Totally forgot about the hickey. Now i need to explain to my four years old son what it was. I looked at my husband for help since he was the cause of this thing. But he obviously forgot about that too when he gasped and covered his whole mouth.

I narrowed my eyes to him, sending a 'say something' sign. Luckily, Harry was smart enough to understand that and say something to cover everything up.

"Err—that was—that was a bug bite. Yes, a bug bite." Harry said as well as nodded his head. I could see in his face that he was proud to come out with that idea of lying.

"But the bug bite is big. Is it the bug that big too?" Thomas' eyes bulged out.

Harry chuckled, "Oh, yes. Very very big. Papa will get more if he don't behave." He smirked at me. Eyeing me up and down. 'Stop it.' I mouthed. He mouthed back, 'I can't. You're sexy.' I just rolled my eyes.

"So the bug will bite me if i naughty?"

"Yes, buddy."

"I want to see it. Can i find the bug? Can i keep it?" Thomas asked, looking between me and Harry. Eyes flashing in hope that we both say yes. I didn't have a heart to disappoint the tiny boy, so i said, "Sure, love. If we found one." And he bouncing happily on his chair. Thanking both me and Harry with amount of 'i love you' and kisses on the cheeks.

Oh my boy.. How could we say no to that?


When i was busy reading a book on the bed, Harry's phone, which he put it on the night stand whilst he took a shower, ringing that made me startled a little. I reached out for his phone and glanced in shock when i saw the caller ID. It was Louis.

What did he want?

Jealousy successfully took over me. The thought of Harry still in touch with him made me couldn't thinking straight as i picked up the call. I bit my lip, tried hard to calm myself and not to attack him with my rude and sassy mouth on the phone. It would be so immature come to think of it. Plus, i didn't know why he called. So, i waited for him to greet first instead.

"Hello, Harry.."

I cleared my throat before answering him. "Hey—uhm—Louis.. This is Niall. Harry's in the shower."

"Oh, hey, Niall. Sorry for disturbing you."

"It's fine. I'll ask him to call you back later. Do you have any message to Harry?" I asked politely. He might have something important to tell Harry, though the reason he called him seemed suspicious. Was that alright to ask him that question? Because it sounded like i was helping him and my husband get together. Gosh, me and my pregnant thought. As ridiculous as always.

"Actually, i want to talk to you. Can we meet? Today?"

Huh? He wanted to talk to me? For what?

I furrowed my brows, "Today? Why? Is there something about you and Harry that i didn't know?" I couldn't help my curiosity about their relationship. Made my stomach brewed with anxiety but felt relieved when he denied it.

"No, no!! There's nothing to do with me and Harry. I promise."

I was thinking for a second before i agreed to meet him. "Ok. What time? I'll see you at the cafe across my house."

"Meet me in two hours."

"Alright." I nodded my head stupidly when it was obvious he couldn't see me. I hung up and put the phone back to where Harry put it.

Soon, Harry was out from the bathroom with his towel hanging low under his belly. I looked at him in awe. He was too dashing for a father of one—soon to be two—kid. Especially when he just came out from the bath with his wet body and hair. I had to admit that his tattoos does looked good on him. Wonderful even that i rather leave the bed and my books only to approach him because i couldn't stop myself but to traced my fingertips on it. From his arm to his chest. Every inch of it.

His eyes followed everywhere my fingers moved. I stroked his tattoed chest and finally stopped my movement to looked deep into his eyes. He put his hand around my waist. He gave me a meaningful smile that he knew i couldn't resist.

He leaned in slowly, his lips collided with my lips with a little pressure. He inserted his tongue, roaming my mouth greedily and i let out the sounds of pleasure. I always liked the way he kissed me. It was soft and hungry. There was the time(before that stupid fight) when we didn't have any plan, we would snog for hours until our lips swollen, bruised and hurt. Hard to drink comfortably, mind you. It was the only pleasurable moment that didn't lead to the bed. Just snog.

Speaking of snog, that reminded me to Louis, and i pulled away from Harry. He groaned in protest.

"Can you just let me taste your lip a little longer," he whined. To shut his whining i kissed his chin then his nose then moved to his forehead. Lastly, pecked his lip.

"That will do, i guess." He breathed.

"Louis called." I stated. As expected, he was shocked.

"You answered the call?" His voice slightly low. I nodded. "What he want?" he asked.

"He wants to meet me. In—" I took a glare at the clock on the wall. "—one hour and a half."

"I'll come with you." He offered but i had to turn it down as i didn't think it was necessary.

"No, it's fine. I'm sure there's something he wants to tell me. I'll be okay. If anything, i'll call you."

"Promise, love?"



WRITER'S BLOCK!! I don't know what to write in this chapter. Hopefully it's good enough, yeah? If not, please, do tell me about it. Comment your opinion, don't be shy. I'm sorry for any unrecognized mistakes in this chap.

Any idea of why Louis wants to meet Niall? To kill him, perhaps? Kidding. Keep reading guys if you eager to know.

Comment(no hate comments please).
And maybe...


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