Chapter 18

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As expected, Louis' jerk boyfriend had been arrested for good. Even though i received a betrayal look from Louis, he still thanked me for helping him. That's enough to make me feel better.

He got his consciousness back a day after the operation. After he heard the news of his boyfriend being in prison, he was kind of not happy about it because he was now all alone. As he described it. He started to pondering a lot whilst rubbing his tummy. Whatever he was thinking of, must be so depressing to him. But me and Harry didn't let his thought eat his emotion. We assured him that we were there for him whenever he need us.

In fact, we asked him to live with us for the rest of his pregnancy until the baby was born. He would need someone to take care of him. Of course he declined our request, saying that he didn't want to trouble us. But i insisted that maybe he would be a good company to me and Thomas when Harry off to work.

Thankfully he agreed after having a few argument with Harry.

It was awkward at first between us two since we are not that close like he and Harry did. But friendship could be build and i did exactly that with him. After a few weeks living together, i got used to his presence. We became closer than only just a friend. I would say that he was a family member.

We would share about anything and everything especially about baby. We would joke about who gave birth first and that was the happiest conversation we had due to our pregnancy. It was all good between us.

We were chilling on the sofa, sitting close next to each other. Discussing about the baby's name and gender when Harry walked into the house, neither one of us noticed Harry was back from work.

That was, until Harry greeted us with his sweet words. "How's my beautiful pregnant men doing?" He asked and approaching me, kissing all over my face lovingly. And i noticed Louis looked away that time. I know it was really hard for him without his partner by his side. But we couldn't let him live with an abusive guy like his boyfriend. Who knows what would happen in the future. Could be worse than just a few broken ribs.

My husband gaze dropped to Louis who was still avoiding to look at two of us. Harry caressed my cheeks for a second before he moved to Louis.

"How are you doing, Louis?" He kissed Louis' forehead.

Louis' eyes went wide, shocked. Then his eyes became glossy and watery. He hold back his tears from rolling down to his cheek and tried to hide it with a smile. "I'm fine. Niall take a good care of me." He said jokingly but the sadness in his voice couldn't fool Harry.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Harry slipped himself to take a sit between us. Made me scooted away to make a room for him. He was facing Louis and his back showed to me. He brought his hand to Louis' back, rubbing in circle motion. I couldn't hear what they were saying. It seemed like Harry tried to comfort him.


There was something about the gesture and the talking that made my stomach churned. Stop it! I shouldn't feel that way! Louis was a family to Harry and me, nothing more.

Yes, Louis was our family.

I got up from my seat and went to the kitchen, purposely leaving them two so they could talk. I distracted myself by boiling some water on the stove. I leaned against the counter whilst waiting the water to boil. From where i stood, i could see them talking and sometimes smiling at one another.

And the feeling in my belly came again. I tried to ignore it but my mind couldn't help it but thinking that they looked better without me. That thought made me sad and i had to fight the urge to cry.

Ugh... What's wrong with me. They were close friends. Friends suppose to comfort each other if one of them was sad or something. This jealousy is irrelevant.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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