Chapter 17

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(3rd Person)

They started in the parts of the town that they suspected the villains to be at, so in other words the downtown areas that seemed the most unfriendly... as well as the dirtiest. Mark and (Y/N) searched through every window that bared no light, every door that was concealed and mostly the places where they could hide an army, such as the warehouses or the storage areas.

Mark: Right... it's obvious we're not getting anything, split up? I'll go on the West side, you go the East side.

With a nod, he separated from his best friend, though they kept their phones on and unlocked in case they found something and need the other's help. Quickly, (Y/N) went to another window with no light pouring out of it, pressing himself against the glass and glaring inside but growled as he saw nothing. He then ran to the nearest warehouse, punching the wall off uncaringly and marching inside, only to march back out when he saw no sign of Eri or Karma.

As he marched out the warehouse, (Y/N) was surprised when he heard a door slam shut, almost as though someone was spying on him. He pinpointed it to a door that was outside the warehouse he was just in, he ripped the door off its hinges, revealing nothing but an empty hallway... he growled again, and turned... only to see a note on the floor right outside the door which made him bend down to pick up the piece of paper. Unfolding the note, (Y/N) read the letter with a confused look.

"You don't know me, but I know everything about you (Y/N) (L/N). Don't ask who I am, just know I'm a friend to both you and Eri, and I wish to help... I cannot say too much in fear of my life... however, I can say that Eri is closer than you think... you must return to where it all started... return home... your true home"

He couldn't help but blink in confusion, the place where it all started? That seemed too vague to conjure a proper answer, it could've meant anything. He began thinking of possibilities... locations where important events of his life began... U.A, where his student life began... no, not even Karma would be crazy enough to try hiding Eri there. His home, where his life began, again not possible.... Karma doesn't know him well enough... The scarf-wearer sighed, placing a hand on his head as he began to develop a headache... which got worse as he heard the sound of his phone going off, to quickly cease the headache he answered the phone.

???: Hello Hero...

Everything went silent, (Y/N)'s anger was quickly returning as he heard Karma on the other side of the phone, her voice smug and confident.

Karma: Oh, don't worry about little Eri, she's in safe hands with us... though, you should be careful of her, she's become very aggressive what have you been teaching her? She might pick up curse words next!

Of course, (Y/N) didn't listen as he began storming down the streets while listening to Karma.

Karma: I'm just calling you to say that you should stop while you can, we have the little Eri and you'll never find us... oh, and even if you somehow manage to do so... just know I've got orders from the Boss to kill you... and you and I both know I shouldn't kill you, doesn't mean I won't though, the Boss is scary!! Oh! Oh! The Boss is here as well!! That means even if you got past me, he's still going to kill you!! So... if you want to become part of my plan like I said before, I'm giving you this chance to walk away and let Eri be ours... of course, I won't force you since I win either way, either I get Eri or I get Eri and your corpse!!

(Y/N) instantly hung up, frustrated at her words and the fact that the phone call did nothing to help him find Eri. He kicked a lone can on the floor in frustration before placing a hand on the wall, trying to calm himself down... when suddenly another door slammed shut, he looked to his right to see a door leading into what seemed to be an apartment complex. He could tell it was the door that slammed shut due to the ripples the glass had from the force of the slam, without hesitation, he ran over, knocking the door down and looking around the room... only spotting yet another empty hallway that led to a set of stairs... as he went to leave... (Y/N) remembered the last time this happened and stared at the ground outside the door... sure enough, the very same note in the exact same position. He snatched the note, reading the second note eagerly.

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