Chapter One

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The silence of the hot summers day is broken by the sound of a school bell ringing, followed closely by shouting and cheering. Immediately all the birds took to flight, heading for the safety of the trees, the Squirrels bolted towards tree trunks, climbed up and disappeared into the tangle of branches.
The double doors to Cliftonville Continuation school were flung open as a large stream of teenagers ran from the building excitedly. They dissipated noisily down various routes heading to homes, clubs, friends houses, whichever plans they had made. Eventually, after the crowd of pupils had cleared three older, teenage females emerged from the school doors, they made their way across the playground talking together and taking their time. They left the school grounds together, following a pathway which led them through a park.

There was a slim girl with straight dyed blonde hair and big blue eyes who was wearing full make-up. She was dressed in black ankle grazing trousers, black dolly shoes, a plain white scoop neck top and a black jacket.
There was another tall, slim, tanned girl, with dark hair and eyes, she was preoccupied touching up her mascara. She was wearing grey skinny jeans, a low-cut white top which opened up to show her flat toned stomach, a light brown leather jacket and beige suede ankle boots. The last girl had messily styled brown hair, big innocent looking hazel eyes and make-up, she was in a short navy tie top, light blue high waist skinny jeans and sandals.

The blonde was moaning.
"Who the hell gives out an after-school detention on the last day of term?" she complained.

The tall, tanned girl brushed her fringe out of her eyes then gave the blonde a cheeky sideways glance, as she shifted her folder to her other arm, the name Kat scrawled artistically across the front of it.

"Oh, come on Karen, you deserved it. Can't You and Sean make out anywhere else?" she chuckled.

Karen, with an offended look in her big blue eyes decided against replying to that comment, she silently hoisted her pink backpack over one shoulder, then led the way while admiring her long, polished fingernails. The three of them passed a childrens play area which was full of toddlers with careful parents watching over them.

Kat lifted her folder in the air with both hands, then spun around a big smile on her face, her eyes sparkling excitedly.
"Detention or not, I am just so hyped up over summer vacation. Weeks of no sixth form, no lessons, long lie-ins, late nights and freedom to do as I please. In the holidays the world is my oyster."

The girl with shoulder length brown hair and big brown eyes interrupted her, "Don't you have to work?"

Lowering her arms Kat frowned.
"At the weekends, ten hour shifts on Saturday and Sunday."

She turned to her friend flashing her a brief fake smile,
"By the way thanks for bringing me back to reality with a bump Nadine," she added glumly.

Nadine shrugs, "Think of the cash mate."

"It's all going on driving lessons, besides waitressing isn't the highest paying job on the planet," Kat sighed

A good-looking guy with dyed blonde spiky hair and brown eyes saunters up to Karen, he had baggy blue jeans on, a white Nike t-shirt, a letterman jacket and Puma trainers. He draped his arm over Karens shoulder casually then bent down to kiss her.

Karen staggers as he leans all his weight on her. "Sean, you dickhead, you nearly knocked me on my arse," she scolded pushing him away from her.

With a confused expression on his face Sean stood up straight.
"Seriously you moan when I'm not affectionate, then you moan when I am. I can't win with you." He criticised her as he tugged up the collar of his letterman jacket.

Kat jumps as a pair of arms wrap around her waist from behind, a slightly older lad wearing a partially buttoned up short sleeved blue shirt, baggy black jeans and a pair of Converses, rested his chin comfortably on Kats shoulder, while intense brown eyes looked out from under a long dark fringe falling over his forehead.
"Wrong approach dude, she wants affection, not a rugby tackle," he explained rubbing his head against Kats cheek. Kat turns her face slightly as the lad tilts his face forwards, they share a long kiss before Kat pulls away, "Dean, honey, you need a better razor."

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